After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1876: She is crazy about love (24)

 Chapter 1876 She is crazy about love (24)

Li Tingting, who was standing next to him, was already very excited when Qiao opened the bag one by one. But when the bag was opened...hey, where are the things?

 She was shocked.

 As shocked as she was, Mrs. Zhang.

 Mrs. Zhang has nothing to say.

 But at this moment, we absolutely cannot admit that this matter has nothing to do with the Lu family.

 Otherwise, the Lu family would not be responsible for her gems.

So, Mrs. Zhang immediately spoke again: "However, even if Mrs. Lu stole the gem, she couldn't have foolishly put it in her bag. Even if it wasn't found in her bag, it doesn't mean she didn't steal it. ”

What he said made Lu Qingtian sneer immediately, "Mrs. Zhang, you are really good at forcing people to make things difficult! Why do you still plan to search the banquet venue today? Let me see, otherwise you should call the police. This matter , leave it to the police!”

Mrs. Zhang insisted on blaming the Lu family for the problem, and Lu Qingtian was not a softie.

How could you just agree?

 Searching Qiao Yiyi's bag was her last concession.

At this time, if Mrs. Zhang continues to slander Qiao Yiyi, let alone Qiao Yiyi, she, Lu Qingtian, will not agree with it either!

So what if we are torn apart?

 At this point, if you continue to retreat, it will be an insult to the Lu family!

Mrs. Zhang was indeed a little panicked, but when she thought of her gem, she bit her lip. Even though she knew she had offended the Lu family, she still said: "Okay, then, then call the police! My gem was lost here. , I am the one who suffers, I don’t believe it, I can’t find any evidence that she stole my gem!”

After saying this, Lu Qingtian immediately said to the housekeeper: "Come on the phone and call the police!"

 The housekeeper lowered his head and respectfully handed the phone to Lu Qingtian.

Lu Qingtian glanced at Mrs. Zhang and sneered.

Just as she was about to call the police, she suddenly heard someone in the crowd saying, "Isn't this Mrs. Zhang's gem?"

 After saying this, everyone turned their heads.

The speaker was so frightened that she covered her mouth, but her eyes were still fixed on Li Tingting's bag.

Li Tingting was carrying a very small bag in her hand today.

  This bag is usually closed, but at this moment, for some reason, the zipper of the small bag was opened.

The gems are big and the bags are small. If you take a quick glance, you will notice them immediately.

The man stopped talking, but the people around him saw the gem with sharp eyes.

 Suddenly, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Li Tingting.

When Mrs. Zhang heard this, she didn't care about anything. She rushed over, snatched Li Tingting's bag, and took out the gem from it. The moment she saw the gem, she shouted : "This, this is my gem! It turns out it wasn't Mrs. Lu who stole my gem, it was you!"

After speaking, he stretched out his finger and pointed at Li Tingting.

 Li Tingting was dumbfounded! !

She never thought that things would develop to this point!

Her eyes widened, looking at everything in front of her in shock, and finally her eyes fell on Qiao Yiyi.

what 's wrong?

She obviously saw the thief putting the gems into Qiao Yiyi's bag. How could it appear in her bag?

She stared at the gem in Mrs. Zhang’s hand in astonishment, then she suddenly reacted, pointed at Qiao Yi and said, "She framed me!"

 PS: The update is complete, see you tomorrow

 (End of this chapter)

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