After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1882: She is crazy about love (30)

 Chapter 1882 She is crazy about love (30)

"We were busy working on that task for two whole months, and the final theft plan was all arranged by her. It was perfect. She worked hard for this opportunity, but in the end, it was because of me and Bai Anan's jealousy. , resulting in such consequences... Her mother has fought to save her, and she has been hunted by our police station for nearly half a year. I just want to think about it, during these six months, she was like a Like a mouse, we forced her to live in darkness, and I couldn’t bear it. In the final analysis, it was me who was sorry for her, and I was the one who treated her badly. Now, this is the only thing I can do for her.”

As Qiao listened to Liang Liang's words one by one, she felt somewhat moved in her heart.

 It was her obsession and ignorance that caused her mother's current fate.

 Actually, Liang Liang cannot be blamed alone for these things.

 It was her own reluctance and her desire to turn black into white that made her behave like this.

Thieves and police are natural enemies. How could she be so obsessed with believing in a policeman back then?

When Qiao Yiyi was in a daze, she heard Liang Liang say: "So, can I trouble you not to tell her about today's matter? I know that it is impossible for me and Wuhen to be together. This is my only It’s the last thing I can do for her.”

Jo stared at him one by one, "What did you do for her?"

Liang Liang was silent for a moment, and then said: "I married Bai An'an, and the police added her as a non-staff member. From now on, I no longer have to evade the police, and I no longer have to live in the darkness like a mouse." ”

 Qiao Yiyi was directly covered. She never expected that Liang Liang would do these things for her.

 Becoming an upright citizen is her wish. Being able to live under the sun without any scruples is her ideal.

 Now, these are about to be realized.

But it has to be done at the expense of Liang Liang’s marriage. Is it really worth it?

She stared at Liang Liang and was speechless for a moment.

Liang Liang saw the look in her eyes and explained with a wry smile: "I will never fall in love with anyone else in my life. It doesn't matter who I marry. Bai An'an... Anyway, I have known her for so many years. Marriage is not a matter of marriage. For me, it’s just in name only.”

Having said this, Liang Liang opened the car door, walked to the other side, and opened the car door for Qiao Yiyi, "Okay, Mrs. Lu, I have told you the truth, can you keep the secret for me?"

 Qiao Yiyi sat in the passenger seat, listened to Liang Liang's words, and glanced at him.

She paused, then pursed her lips, and then said, "Do you know that your behavior is stupid?"

Liang Liang was stunned.

Qiao Yiyi sneered, "You think that you sacrificed your own happiness to help others. Do you think that this can make Wuhen live a happy life? She will know about this sooner or later. When she knows How will she feel in the future? "

Liang Liang tensed his chin.

Qiao Yi got out of the car and looked at him, "Wuhen wants freedom, but the freedom she wants is not obtained this way! Liang Liang, do you know what you are doing!"

"If I were Wuhen, I would feel that you are using this method to make her unstable for the rest of her life!"

ps: I have a friend here today. I wrote two thousand words on the way to pick her up at the airport, and I will update the rest when I get back in the evening. Yeah, yeah!

 (End of this chapter)

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