After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1886: She is crazy about love (34)

 Chapter 1886 She is crazy about love (34)

Qiao Yiyi?

Qiao Yiyi was stunned for a moment, but he reacted the next moment!

This is the one, who was engaged to Lu Nanze, leaving Lu Nanze with no choice but to marry someone with the same name and surname! Qiao Yiyi!

 But, how did she become like this?

 Isn’t she in jail?

  Qiao bit her lip one by one and stared at her in shock, unable to believe it for a moment.

Qiao Yiyi smiled and struggled to get started.

The nurse immediately said: "You can't do it..."

Qiao Yiyi looked at the nurse and asked, "If I don't do it, will I be able to survive?"

 The nurse immediately did not dare to speak.

 Yes, this person will not survive anyway.

 Hateful bleeding due to childbirth cannot be stopped now unless the uterus is removed.

 But this woman doesn’t want to live now, so she doesn’t want to sign the surgery sheet. The only thing waiting for her is death.

Qiao Yiyi didn't care about this at all. Instead, she looked at Qiao Yiyi and said, "You should know who I am, right?"

 Qiao looked at her warily, "Why did you come to me?"

Qiao Yiyi laughed.

She stared at Qiao Yiyi, "Looking at you, you seem to be living happily with Lu Nanze?"

Qiao Yiyi was stunned and frowned.

Qiao Yiyi couldn't help but narrowed her eyes and said, "I called you here not for anything else. There is something I want to tell you before I die."

Qiao stared at her one by one, "I think you don't need to say these words."

Qiao Yiyi shook her head, "As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. I want to tell you because I don't want to see you lose your heart, lose your virginity, and end up with the same end as me!"

Qiao Yiyi frowned.

Qiao Yiyi lowered her eyes, "I advise you not to be tempted by Lu Nanze in this life."

"Because his heart is made of stone. In this world, only Qiao Lian has ever walked into his heart. In his heart, there is only Qiao Lian. You will never be able to replace Qiao Lian's position in his heart...even you can If you want to occupy one-tenth of his heart, I'm afraid he won't give it to you."

“After Qiao Lian got married, he became a heartless person.”

After Qiu Yiyi said these words, she pointed directly at the little baby next to her and said, "Did you see it? This is his son, but he has never admitted it. Even if I called him to give birth, he would never come. …He is such a hard-hearted person!”

When Qiao Yiyi said this, she couldn't help but her eyes filled with tears, "I hate him...I've hated him all my life...What mistake did I make? I just love him, that's all..."

 “But...he did this to me..."

As she spoke up to this point, her energy was already a little sluggish, as if the words she just said were all spoken in retrospect.

Qiao stared at her in shock and watched her slowly close her eyes with tears in her eyes.

The last words she said in this world were, "I advise you not to be tempted."

 When she said this, her expression was ferocious.

 Compared to death, there is a strong sense of unwillingness.

Qiao Yiyi stood in the operating room and looked at Qiao Yiyi.

 I can’t tell what it feels like.

She looked at this woman who had been crazy about love all her life, watched her come to the end, watched her close her eyes, and heard her words in her ears, "Qiao Lian has always been the only one in his heart."

 (End of this chapter)

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