After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1892: She is crazy about love (40)

 Chapter 1892 She is crazy about love (40)

As soon as these words came out, Lu Nanze was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously looked at Qiao Yiyi.

Qiao Yiyi was staring at Lu Nanze.

 Seeing Lu Nanze's reaction, an idea suddenly came to her mind.

 That’s right, she and Liang Liang used to be lovers.

Lu Nanze and Liang Liang are brothers, how could Lu Nanze get involved with his brother's girlfriend.

 So, how could Lu Nanze be really interested in her...

The original confession was probably just to get her to help him steal ginseng.

Even if Lu Nanze had this purpose at the beginning and later really fell in love with her, he would not give the ginseng she exchanged for her life to another woman casually.

She stared at Lu Nanze, staring, and suddenly started laughing.

  She smiled bitterly, and then said: "In this case, I will leave."

Lu Nanze nodded.

Qiao glanced at him one by one, and then walked to the window without hesitation.

 While she was capsizing the boat and getting out, she suddenly stopped.

Lu Nanze thought she had something to say, but just looking at her back, he saw that she still didn't look back and jumped out.

Lu Nanze’s heart also felt slightly empty.

I don’t know why, but I feel like I won’t be able to see her from now on.

But immediately, Lu Nanze couldn't help but smile bitterly.

 How come you have such an idea?

 They have just been together.

As soon as this thought came to his mind, he raised his head and looked at the housekeeper, "Be sure not to let her know about the ginseng."

 The steward hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Lu Nanze lowered his head, thought for a moment, and then said after a while: "Just take a moment and see where Qiao Yiyi is and call her over."

 The butler nodded again.

Just looking at Mr. Lu's look, he suddenly knew what he might be doing.

 But is it really good to treat your wife like this?

He sighed deeply and wanted to persuade Lu Nanze, but he knew that he was just a housekeeper and there were some things he was not suitable to say.

 The steward turned around and walked out.

Before going out, I saw Liang Liang walking into the ward, and then heard Liang Liang's voice, "I know you are bedridden, so I came to take a look, and by the way... give you my invitation."

 “In one month, I will hold a wedding with Bai Anan.”…


 Qiao Yiyi no longer knows what Lu Nanze and Liang Liang are talking about.

 After she left the ward, she had already hid in her sports car.

 Then she looked ahead with dull eyes.

Lu Nanze wants to give ginseng to Qiao Lian... regardless of his own health...

So he used to like Qiao Lian...or maybe he also likes Qiao Lian now, but has it reached this point?

 But it happened that she also liked him, to the point of being... crazy.

Even now, she felt as if her heart was soaked in cold water, but she still couldn't bear to wait for his future body to be unable to return to its former state.


 What else can she do now?

 She drove a sports car and left Suzhou directly and came to city S.

It was getting dark.

 She stared at the door of Xu's house.

 Once it was stolen, the Xu family must have stepped up their vigilance.

 It will be more difficult for her to steal ginseng this time than last time.


Lu Nanze has never done anything sorry to her.

 Let’s use this last ginseng as their parting gift.

PS: In the next half month, at the annual meeting of the website, I will be out and about again. The update of 4,000 words will not be less, but in the past few days, the update time will be a little unstable. I hope everyone can forgive me. If you dislike the slow updates, you can save the manuscript for a few days and read it together. That would be more enjoyable~~ See you tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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