After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1899: Let’s get a divorce (7)

Chapter 1899 Let’s get a divorce (7)

 Why does he feel like he is possessed?

At that moment, he actually thought that the person who helped him to the bathroom was Qiao Yiyi!

This woman…

Lu Nanze immediately frowned.

After he was done with it, he washed his hands and looked at himself in the mirror. Unconsciously, the shy look of Qiao Yiyi at the beginning was reflected in his mind, and even the way she disliked him.

Thinking of the way he deliberately put his hand on hers, Lu Nanze suddenly laughed for some reason.

 After smiling, he immediately stopped smiling, and then stared at himself in the mirror, feeling that he was simply crazy.


 After Qiao left the ward one by one, his straight back suddenly became sluggish.

She held her hand on the wall and felt her eyes getting dark.

 She divorced Lu Nanze.

  Really divorced.

 This matter seemed to exist in an illusion, which made her feel as cold as water.

She tried her best to take two steps forward, when her vision went dark and she fell straight to the ground.

Just when she was about to hit the ground, someone suddenly hugged her body.

 Soon, she fell into the arms of a man.

 She raised her head in a daze and saw Liang Liang standing in front of her.

I don’t know why, but after seeing Liang Liang, she felt relieved, closed her eyes and fainted.

 When she woke up again, she was already in a private hospital.

The hospital where Lu Nanze lives is not the same.

 She looked at the ceiling confusedly, unable to realize where she was for a moment.


The door to the ward was suddenly opened, and Liang Liang walked in.

 Qiao Yiyi narrowed his eyes, and then suddenly remembered that he met Liang Liang before he fainted.

So now…

She lowered her head suddenly and looked at her body. She had already changed into a hospital gown, which meant that Liang Liang must have asked the doctor to check her body.

So...has Liang Liang already guessed her identity?

As she was thinking this, she saw Liang Liang's eyes were so deep that it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

She stared at Liang Liang, but saw him suddenly sighing, taking a step forward and handing the water in his hand to her hand, "Isn't it just a divorce? Do you need to be so excited? Besides, what's wrong with you? Hurt, what happened? Did he domestically assault you?"

 Domestic violence? !

 Qiao narrowed his eyes one by one. It turns out that this is what the doctor and he thought?

She hurriedly lowered her head, took a sip of water, and said nothing.

Liang Liang sighed again, "As far as I know, Lu Nanze is not a domestic violence person. So, what happened to your injuries?"

 Qiao sighed one by one, "Me, I work as a human punchbag in the underworld to make money and save the betrothal gift for my brother."

  Anyway, it is well known that the Qiao family needs money recently.

 And making sandbags with human flesh is a survival skill on the road.

That is to stand there and let the person who is in a bad mood beat her. After venting some negative emotions, he will give her some money.

 Ordinary people don’t know about such things, but Liang Liang will definitely know.

Apart from this reason, there is no other reason to explain her injuries.

 I just don’t know if this reason can fool Liang Liang?

As soon as Qiao Yi thought of this, he carefully observed Liang Liang again, and saw a flash of pity in his eyes, "So that's it."

 (End of this chapter)

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