Chapter 1907 It’s her! (5)

After saying this, I saw the steward walking out.

But before he walked out, Lu Nanze immediately stopped him, "Stop, you go to my villa in the suburbs first to see if it's... Forget it, help me up right away!"

The housekeeper didn't know why, but Lu Qingtian was worried, "What are you doing? You don't want your leg anymore! If you torment yourself like this, this leg will become useless!"

When Lu Nanze heard this, he couldn't stop himself. He lifted the quilt regardless and stared at the housekeeper, "Hurry up!"

The housekeeper glanced at Lu Qingtian, but he didn't dare to refuse Mr. Lu, so he had no choice but to step forward and help Lu Nanze out.

So, Lu Nanze got into the car in a wheelchair, and the car drove all the way to the villa in the suburbs.

On the way, Lu Nanze was anxious.

Wuhen was injured, but Wuhen did not have a house in Suzhou, so if she was injured, she must be living in her own villa.

 He thought of the last time he entered the villa to see how she was doing, but found her fainted on the ground.

 This time...he had to hurry over. What if Wuhen fainted again and something unexpected happened? !

 As for her stealing ginseng…

Lu Nanze could not think of these things for a while.

His mind was full of one thing, Wuhen was injured, Wuhen must not let anything happen to him!

The car soon arrived at a villa in the suburbs. When the car stopped, he couldn't wait to open the car door, and then didn't wait for anyone to help him.

He picked it up on one foot and jumped into the door of the villa step by step.

 The housekeeper hurriedly got out of the car, chased after him, and held his legs.

Lu Nanze pressed his fingerprints, opened the door, and immediately said, "Go and see if there is anyone in the villa!"

 The steward nodded when he heard this.

 Then he quickly rushed into the villa.

 The housekeeper understands, sir, he is worried about Wuhen!

That's right. If Wuhen stole another ginseng, then according to the ability of the Xu family, Wuhen is likely to be seriously injured now. She must be found quickly to ensure her safety!


The housekeeper searched every corner of the villa from upstairs to downstairs, but still couldn't find any trace.

Lu Nanze sat on the sofa in the living room, frowning, "Wuhen came back, but where did she go after staying in the villa for a night?!"

  There is actually no trace of the incident on the surveillance video.

 But because of Wuhen's injury, it may be that Wuhen was no longer prepared for the villa, so there were still some clues left in the room.

 This allowed Lu Nanze to determine when Wuhen had been here.

The housekeeper was also confused, "Looking at the situation in the room, she must have been seriously injured. There is blood on the gauze, so it must be trauma... So, if Miss Wuhen was so seriously injured, what was she doing out there? And why hasn't she come back yet?" Did Miss Wuhen... take the ginseng and leave? "


 Lu Nanze spoke decisively.

 Wuhen’s character will never leave someone without saying goodbye.

 So, something must have happened to Wuhen.

Lu Nanze became anxious, "Go and gather all the hands and find it for me! If you find Wuhen, you will be rewarded!"

When the housekeeper heard this, he could only nod his head, "Yes, sir, I will send someone to make arrangements right away, but sir, can you go back to the hospital now?"

 (End of this chapter)

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