Chapter 1910 It’s her! (8)

 After saying these words, Lu Nanze's pupils shrank, and he pushed the wheelchair with both hands, trying to bypass Liang Liang and go to the ward.

But Liang Liang stopped in front of him, stared at him, and after a while, suddenly threw the document in his hand on him, "This is her case, take a good look at it yourself." Look!"

As soon as these words were spoken, he stood aside.

Hearing the case, Lu Nanze stopped his movements, then opened the medical record and took a few glances.

 The condition above is shocking.

 There was almost no good flesh left on Wuhen's body, and the injuries all over his body were bruised and purple. It could be seen that the internal injuries were also serious.

 Her old injury from last time also recurred...

Think about the pain in her body... Think about her pale face when he filed for divorce. Lu Nanze's heart felt as if something was grabbing hard, making him miserable.

 He stretched out his hand, pressed it on his chest, then looked at Liang Liang and said, "Where is she?"

 “In the ward.”

 “I’m going to see her.”


Lu Nanze raised his head, "I want to see her."

Liang Liang sneered, "You hurt her so deeply, why do you have the nerve to see her? Just leave, Wuhen definitely doesn't want to see you!"

Lu Nanze looked at Liang Liang stubbornly.

At this moment, he knew that he had done something wrong and that he was sorry for Wuhen. Facing Liang Liang, Wuhen's ex-boyfriend, he couldn't feel confident at all.

 He stared at Liang Liang, "What should you do to let me see her?"

“It’s not that I don’t want you to see her, it’s that she doesn’t want to see you. Her whole body is covered with injuries now. It’s the most miserable and embarrassing time for her whole body. She is so proud..."

Liang Liang's voice choked up when he said these words, and then he sneered, "But maybe it's also special to you, right? Back then, she was much prouder of me than this."

After Liang Liang said this, he lowered his eyes and stepped away, "Go ahead."

 He is already sorry for Wuhen.

 Can't let Wuhen lose his happiness anymore.

Lu Nanze failed her, but she was still willing to go to Xu's house to steal ginseng for him a second time. This was a sign that she liked Lu Nanze!

 Otherwise, how could you even risk your life...

I think back then, Wuhen could ignore him for a long time even if he said something harsh.

But now, because of Lu Nanze, I could stay in the Lu family for so long while being humble...


When he was with Wuhen, he only held hands at most, but she had such a close relationship with Lu Nanze...

 So, they are a couple, and they are the ones who should be together.

Liang Liang couldn't help but sigh after he figured this out. In the final analysis, if you missed it, you missed it.

 He and Wuhen will never be able to go back to the past.

Then now, he should let go completely and let Wuhen get her happiness.

This can be regarded as, he owes Wuhen a lot.

Thinking of this, he lowered his eyes and sighed deeply.

On the other side, after Liang Liang finished speaking, Lu Nanze pushed the wheelchair towards Wuhen's ward.

 As he walked, he was anxious.

 I don’t know why, but he seems to be in such a hurry that he’s about to jump out of his skin!

 He wanted to see Wuhen and Qiao Yiyi immediately.

Then he stretched out his arms, hugged her, and told her that he loved her! He wants to never be separated from her!

 (End of this chapter)

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