After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1918: See you in five years (6)

Chapter 1918: Meet in five years (6)

 The air seemed to become instantly quiet at this moment.

 The whole world has lost its voice.

 They just stood there in shock, staring at each other in disbelief.

No one expected that meeting each other again would come so suddenly.

Lu Nanze’s eyes widened and he stared at Qiao Yiyi in disbelief.

 This is his Qiao Yiyi, his Wuhen.

  But it doesn’t look like it.

After five years of not seeing each other, Lu Nanze felt that he had almost forgotten what she looked like.

 But her expression and the look in her eyes still made Lu Nanze the exception.

Qiao Yiyi was even more shocked.

 She looked at Lu Nanze, looked at that face, and narrowed her eyes.

 In fact, during this period, many days and nights, she couldn't help but think of him.

Even though she knew he was no longer hers, she still couldn't help but miss him.

Now, this is how we meet...


 Qiao Yiyi looked up at room 815, and suddenly thought of what the man who just left the house said, she couldn't help but clenched her fists.

His eyes subconsciously fell on the girl next to Lu Nanze.

 Small and exquisite figure, with a little baby fat cheeks, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

That look is somewhat similar to what I looked like five years ago.

 So...actually, is this what the girl he likes looks like?

 So he is actually on a blind date now?

Even though he had told himself long ago that Lu Nanze had nothing to do with him.

But when he thought of him and that woman having a blind date inside, Qiao Yiyi couldn't help but feel the pain in her heart.

She narrowed her eyes and stared at Lu Nanze. After a while, she took steps forward and walked forward.

Lu Nanze also walked over in shock.

 The two people were facing each other, getting closer step by step, as if something was hurting Qiao Yiyi's heart.

Every step he took seemed to step on her heart. She took a deep breath and suppressed the sadness in her heart.

 Then, Lu Nanze stood in front of her step by step.

 The two people looked at each other several times.

Even though Qiao Yiyi had grown a lot taller, he still looked slightly shorter when standing in front of Lu Nanze.

 She raised her head and stared at Lu Nanze.

Lu Nanze’s eyes were so deep that they seemed to be able to drip water.

 Jang Qiao Yiyi couldn't see through his emotions at all, but could feel his emotional fluctuations.

She stared at Lu Nanze and heard Lu Nanze say something after being silent for a long time: "Long time no see."

It’s true, long time no see.

 Five years.

 They missed it for five whole years.

 He had a lot of things to say to her.

 I want to explain clearly what happened that year.

 But when I really faced Wuhen, I didn’t know where to start with those words.

He wanted to organize his words so that he could more accurately express his thoughts about her, his guilt for her, and the truth of what happened in the past five years.

However, he opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Qiao Yiyi suddenly raised his lips, "Yeah, long time no see."

Immediately, she turned back, took Chen Yansheng's arm, then pointed at Lu Nanze and said to Chen Yansheng: "Husband, this is my ex-husband, Lu Nanze."

 After saying this, he introduced to Lu Nanze: "This is my current boyfriend, Chen Yansheng."

Then he raised his chin slightly, and his whole person became arrogant and arrogant.

 (End of this chapter)

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