After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1939: She is not my daughter! (7)

 Chapter 1939 She is not my daughter! (7)

 In the study.

Kaka stood stubbornly in the middle of the room.

Lu Nanze sat on the sofa.

 He stared at Xiao Kaka, his face a little gloomy, and his eyes also showed a thoughtful expression.

Xiao Kaka was not convinced. She stared at Lu Nanze and said, "I didn't drop the thing!"

Lu Nanze said nothing.

 Little Kaka's eyes were red, "Dad, I said, I didn't drop the thing."

Lu Nanze continued not to speak.

Little Kaka was a little nervous and scared because of the silence in the room.

  She took a step forward and said, "Dad..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes turned red and he was about to cry when he heard Lu Nanze's voice, "Kaka, men bleed but don't shed tears. Have you ever heard of this saying?"

With one sentence, Kaka immediately closed his mouth and did not dare to cry.

By the way, my father said yesterday that he doesn’t like crying children.

 But Doudou cries frequently, is it because his father likes Doudou, so can he be tolerant?

This thought made Kaka very sad. She lowered her head, bit her lip, and simply stopped talking.

Lu Nanze just stared at Kaka, "You know, what did you do wrong today?"

Kaka immediately raised his head and looked at Lu Nanze stubbornly, "I did nothing wrong."

Lu Nanze narrowed his eyes, "You still don't know the mistake?"

Kaka said directly: "I'm right!"

Lu Nanze stopped talking and just stared at her silently.

Kaka felt uncomfortable when Lu Nanze saw him, but he just stood there stubbornly.

After a while, Lu Nanze suddenly stood up and said, "You are in this room, thinking carefully about what you did wrong!"

After saying this, he walked out directly.

 “Bang!” The study door was closed, and KaKa’s little body suddenly trembled.

Outside the door, the housekeeper looked at the study door and couldn't help but look at Lu Nanze, "Sir...will the young master be frightened by doing this? After all, he is still young!"

Lu Nanze turned around and looked at the door of the study, "When I was his age, I was already running around with my father, but look at him... As a boy, even if he is petite, I can understand it. Because boys develop later, but their actions are also very girly!”

When he said this, he sighed, "If Kaka were a girl, I would spoil her and let her grow up happily and become the happiest daughter in the world and the princess with the least worries. But he is a boy. You have to know that a boy cries easily and is framed by a little girl who is only one year older. How can I not punish him and let him remember it? "

When the housekeeper heard this, he was stunned and said, "Sir, do you mean that Miss Doudou is framing the young master?"

Lu Nanze sneered and said, "Not bad."

The steward was puzzled, "How did you figure it out?"

Lu Nanze directly spoke domineeringly: "Which porcelain doll will my son, Lu Nanze, like? Don't forget, who is Wuhen? She has stolen so many things, and what kind of treasures have she never seen before? She raised them The children will at least have a higher outlook.”


 The housekeeper looked at the study again, "But, after all, the young master has not been in our house for a long time. If you do this..."

“It’s because he may not be with me for a long time, so I should let him grow up quickly.”

 (End of this chapter)

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