Who is Chapter 1954? ! (2)

The nanny suddenly became a little anxious, "But that phone call just now..."

 “Are you in a hurry?”

 Are you in a hurry?

Being asked this question, the nanny suddenly didn’t know what to say.

She didn't know the person at all, and she couldn't quite understand what was said on the phone.

 So how is it possible to know whether to be in a hurry or not?

But her hesitant look caught the eye of the housekeeper, who said she was not in a hurry at all, so the housekeeper immediately lowered his voice and said, "Haven't you seen it yet? The husband is cultivating a relationship with the young master. Now the company I have put aside all the things here. Is there anything urgent that I need to see you for?"

The nanny was immediately frightened and did not dare to speak. She nodded and went downstairs.

The nanny cooked and cleaned downstairs. After thinking about it for a while, she still felt that there was something wrong with that phone call. How could such an inexplicable phone call to the Lu family not be a big deal?

So the nanny hesitated for a while and went upstairs again.

As soon as she went upstairs, the housekeeper grabbed her arm and asked, "Why are you up here again?"

The nanny looked into the study and said, "I want to see Mr., something really happened. Someone just called..."

“Shh!” The housekeeper made a gesture of silence, then dragged the nanny to the side, “What’s going on?”

The nanny glanced at the housekeeper and immediately recounted what happened on the phone. After finishing speaking, she said, "I don't know if this matter is important or not. I just feel uneasy." , so let me tell you, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the housekeeper's face change drastically, staring at the nanny and shouting: "Oh, why didn't you tell me about this kind of thing earlier!"

As soon as he said this, he rushed to the study room without hesitation, "Sir, something may have happened to my wife!"

Hearing this, Lu Nanze suddenly raised his head.

 At the same time, his phone vibrated again.

Lu Nanze immediately picked up his phone and saw the message from Li Tingting!

That's a club box number!

Without saying a word, Lu Nanze jumped up suddenly and ran straight out the door without thinking!

 The housekeeper followed behind, arranging the follow-up matters, "Quick, you two follow sir... you two..."

But Lu Nanze no longer cares about that.

 He jumped into his sports car and headed straight to the club.

On the way, I received a call from the housekeeper.

The housekeeper was very worried: "Sir, you can't be alone like this! What if it's a trap by someone else? What if it's an old enemy who came to the door? You..."

"Shut up!" Lu Nanze shouted directly, "As long as there is a slight possibility of this matter, I must go! Wuhen may be in danger!"

As soon as he said this, he hung up the phone and stepped on the accelerator!

The sports car was speeding along the BJ Highway, and Lu Nanze was extremely anxious.

Logically speaking, Wuhen is pretty good, so he shouldn't worry about Wuhen.

 But he knows better...

 In Wuhen’s family, there is actually a way of keeping in touch since childhood.

 Because if they want to be thieves, they have to suppress their height growth, which is very harmful to the body.

 All this will be destroyed after pregnancy.

 So there is no comparison between Wuhen now and Wuhen five years ago!

 Five years ago, she was able to escape from the Xu family intact.

 But now, she may not be able to escape from Qian Jin's hands!

 (End of this chapter)

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