Who is Chapter 1959? ! (7)

Liang Liang's words made the bodyguards stunned for a moment.

 The two people looked at each other, yes.

Even though Lu Nanze is here, why did Lu Nanze kill Qian Jin?

This is simply impossible!

 Qian Jing had just arrived in Suzhou and had not offended him yet. Besides, according to Lu Nanze’s power in Suzhou, how could he do it himself if he wanted to kill someone?

 Everything cannot be explained!

Just when they were struggling, they suddenly heard a voice, "I know why! I know the motive for the murder!"

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the speaker, and saw Li Tingting walking out of the crowd step by step.

She stared at Lu Nanze and said word by word: "Because the woman Qian Jin wanted to violate tonight was his ex-wife! That's why he killed someone in rage!"

 After saying this, the two bodyguards understood instantly.

Their eyes widened in disbelief. Even Qian Jin’s assistant, who came after hearing the news, was stunned on the spot!

The assistant knows that Qian Jin has always wanted to build a good relationship with Lu Nanze, so he is still looking for Lu Nanze's ex-wife and wants to make a breakthrough from here!

But he never expected that that beautiful woman was Lu Nanze’s ex-wife? !

The assistant couldn't help but turn his head when he thought of this, and happened to see Qiao Yiyi in the crowd.

He immediately pointed at Qiao Yi and shouted: "That's her! The person who is with Mr. Qian tonight is her! But... why is she outside?!"

 After the assistant said these words, everyone turned to look at Qiao Yiyi.

 The two bodyguards, and everyone including Mr. Sun, stared at Qiao Yiyi in disbelief.

Mr. Sun was also stunned, "Why did you run out? Weren't you and Mr. Qian in the private room...what about that?!"

 One sentence shifted the attention and focus to Qiao Yiyi.

Qiao narrowed his eyes one by one and stared at the people around him.

 After a while, she bit her lip.

She looked at Mr. Sun and said, "I..."

Before he could speak, he heard the forensic doctor say: "Obviously, this lady used these sheets to kidnap the deceased and then escaped."

When the forensic doctor said this, he stood up, his eyes wandered around everyone indifferently, and then he looked at Qian Jin rationally.

Liang Liang’s eyes immediately fell on Qiao Yiyi when he heard everyone’s words.

 His eyes suddenly became dark.

He didn’t believe it was Lu Nanze who committed the murder.

It was impossible for Lu Nanze to do such a low-end thing, and even let himself fall into passivity.

 And if this matter has something to do with Wuhen...

Wuhen, this person, has always been both good and evil.

 with with with his ​​Sin't it off!


Liang Liang's eyes narrowed and he looked at Qiao Yiyi suspiciously.

Let alone Liang Liang, even the two bodyguards looked at each other, and then looked at Qiao Yiyi.

Qiao narrowed his eyes one by one and lowered his eyes.

 She clenched her fists nervously.

 At this time, it seemed that the murderer was either her or Lu Nanze.


As soon as this idea came to his mind, he heard Lu Nanze speak slowly: "You collect evidence, and then do whatever you have to do. Liang Liang, should I be detained now, and then we go to the police station to talk?"

 (End of this chapter)

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