After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1963: Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (1)

Chapter 1963 Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (1)

Li Tingting's meaning is very obvious. We cannot let Qiao Yiyi be convicted of excessive defense and homicide. You must know that excessive defense and intentional homicide are two different concepts!

As soon as these words came out, the two bodyguards immediately understood what Li Tingting meant, and immediately said: "Yes, she became angry and deliberately killed someone!"

Liang Liang frowned.

The police officers sent out also interviewed the people around and came back, "Captain, it's like this. We asked the club's service staff, and everyone said they didn't see Miss Qiao going out when. Even the surveillance in the underground parking lot failed. No more, so now…”

 The following words were not said, but Liang Liang understood it and the meaning was obvious.

Now, Qiao Yiyi is the biggest murder suspect!

And there is no evidence that can prove Qiao Yiyi's innocence!

Liang Liang is in a dilemma at this moment!

Just when he was struggling, he suddenly saw Qiao Yi sighing, "Then take me away first. We will talk about the rest later."

 After saying these words, Liang Liang's eyes narrowed.

 Lu Nanze took a step forward, "Wu...yiyi!"

 Qiao glanced at Lu Nanze one by one, and simply said: "I only have one thing to ask you. Take good care of Kaka and wait for me to come out."

She will not die in the cell no matter what.

So it doesn’t matter, at worst, after entering the cell, if you can’t find any evidence to prove yourself, you can just escape!

Even though her body has grown up and her flexibility is not as good as before, she comes from a family of master thieves, so if she wants to escape from the cell, she will have no problem.


 Qiao looked at Liang Liang one by one. With Liang Liang here, her chances of escaping should be greater, right?

Things have developed to this point, and it would really be unreasonable for Liang Liang to let Qiao Yi go away.

He had no choice but to lower his voice and said, "Then I'll wrong you."

 Jo nodded one by one and stretched out his hand.

Liang Liang took out the handcuffs and put them on her.

Then he took Qiao Yiyi and walked out.

 Halfway through, I suddenly heard Lu Nanze’s cry, “One by one!”

Qiao turned around one by one.

Lu Nanze stared at her, "After you go, don't say anything. Just wait for me to find you the best lawyer, and you will be fine!"

When Qiao Yi heard these words, a warm current flashed through her heart again.

 No matter what time, he always supports himself.

 It's not like Liang Liang, who had ever doubted her or questioned her.

 He will always trust her... Such a man shows that she has a good taste in men the second time.

 It’s a pity that they are destined but not destined.

 The world is like this. What you get is never cherished, and what you don’t get is always restless.

If it were five years ago, because of this support and understanding, she would definitely put aside her past resentment and be with him without hesitation...

 But now…

 Qiao lowered his head one by one and said nothing. He just turned around and followed Liang Liang out.


   Joe was taken away one by one.

 Liang Liang personally accompanied her in the police car.

 Qiao looked at Liang Liang one by one and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "I didn't expect the captain of the police station to personally **** me. Should I feel honored?"

As soon as these words came out, Liang Liang fell silent.

 After a while, Liang Liang smiled bitterly and said, "You are the one who can still talk and laugh happily at this moment."

“Otherwise, if I cry and say I am not guilty, will you let me go?”

 (End of this chapter)

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