After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1978: Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (16)

Chapter 1978 Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (16)

Qiao Yi frowned suddenly.

She thought that when she told the housekeeper that she would take Kaka home, the housekeeper would lead her directly to Kaka's room, but she didn't expect that the housekeeper would actually take her to Lu Nanze's study?

She followed the housekeeper upstairs without paying attention, but did Lu Nanze have something to do with her?

As soon as Qiao Yi thought of this, he looked at Lu Nanze and immediately said, "Where's Kaka?"

Lu Nanze stood up, slowly turned his head and looked at her.

I don’t know why, but Lu Nanze looked very strange at this moment. The look in his eyes made Qiao Yiyi feel very uncomfortable.

 It was as if his eyes were like clairvoyance, trying to see through her clothes and see through her body.

She didn't like this feeling, so she simply frowned, turned around and walked out, "I'll pick up Kaka."

However, before she reached the door, she heard footsteps approaching behind her, and her arm was immediately grabbed.

Qiao Yiyi was stunned. She turned around and saw that Lu Nanze had already approached her. He grabbed her arm tightly and pressed her against the wall next to her. Immediately, his strong chest pressed over and pushed her Blocked between him and the wall.

Qiao Yiyi frowned.

 His breath is close at hand.

 The scent of male hormones made her face feel a little hot.

 She tried her best to stay awake and calm, stared at Lu Nanze, and said slowly: "What do you want to do?"

Even five years ago, there were not many opportunities for the two of them to have such close contact. The only unbridled time was the night they took the medicine...

 But I took the medicine that night. Although I remember the process clearly, I have forgotten the feeling.

At this moment, being so close, Qiao Yiyi's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate. Although he was very calm on the face, in fact, he was already unbearable in his heart.

 What is he doing?

 Do you want to...

Before these thoughts came out, I heard Lu Nanze say: "Wuhen, I am worthy of your trust."

 One sentence made Qiao Yi suddenly narrow his eyes.

She stared at Lu Nanze, hesitated for a long time, and then said, "What do you mean?"

"It means that I trust you. No matter what you say, I will believe you. But Wuhen, are you willing to trust me? If you need anything, can you let me help?"

After hearing these words, Qiao Yiyi was silent for a moment, and then explained: "I didn't expect what happened to Chen Yansheng. I didn't expect that he would suddenly jump out to testify for me. I didn't do anything about it." Discuss with you..."

Before he finished speaking, Lu Nanze suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

 Soon, I heard Lu Nanze say: "That's not what I said."

Qiao Yiyi was stunned and looked at him in confusion.

Lu Nanze stared at Qiao Yiyi and wanted to say something when he saw her appearance, but suddenly he heard the sound of a horn coming from outside.

Lu Nanze was stunned.

Qiao Yiyi hurriedly explained, "Chen Yansheng is waiting for me. I picked up the card and will leave."

Lu Nanze swallowed it all of a sudden as soon as it reached his mouth.

  Yeah, five years ago, he and Qiao Yiyi, and even Wuhen, didn't get along for a long time.

So, does it make sense that Qiao Yiyi forgot about him and fell in love with Chen Yansheng?

 And what are you doing now?

Her current boyfriend is Chen Yansheng. Isn't it normal to not trust him?

 (End of this chapter)

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