After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1980: Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (18)

Chapter 1980 Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (18)

 Chen Yansheng understands and knows what she is going to do when she returns to China this time.

 But she was invited by him when she first returned to China.

 She rejected him then.

However, now, he clearly knew what she was going to do next, but he still helped her like this.

  It’s just like what he said.

 Qiao Yiyi rejected him just after he came back because he didn't want him to get involved.

 And now, he has been involved.

 Qiao Yiyi had no choice but to refuse again.

She smiled and said, "Okay."

 I saw Chen Yansheng laughing.

Qiao Yiyi then said: "How much is your company's market value? After I finish my work, I will give you the money."

Chen Yansheng immediately laughed and said, "How much it's worth, I'll tell you later. Anyway, just be responsible for raising me."

 Then he waved his hand and said, "The position of director in the company has always been reserved for you. You can come to work whenever you want."

Qiao nodded, "Then let's wait until we understand more about this case before we go."

 Chen Yansheng nodded.

Qiao Yiyi laughed and waved to him, "Then Kaka and I will go in first. You go home quickly."

 Chen Yansheng nodded again.

Seeing Qiao Yi and Kaka enter the villa one by one, Chen Yansheng laughed.

His smile is particularly warm, like a sunny boy.


He just likes to open any company. After knowing about her, he was sure that she would come back, so he came here to wait for her just three years ago?

 He has been waiting for her for three years in Suzhou.

 That company has been preparing for her for three years.

 Thinking of this, Chen Yansheng laughed.


 Qiao Yiyi didn't know at all that what that silly boy did was just bring Kaka into the villa, and then he collapsed on the sofa.

 Her hands were still in the burn stage, so she couldn't touch the water, so dinner was a bit unfinished.

Kaka held her hand with both hands and asked distressedly: "Mom, do you feel pain?"

 Being held by Kaka's little hand like this, Qiao Yiyi's heart felt so soft. Where did he feel any pain?

Even if it hurts, it definitely doesn’t hurt anymore!

 So Qiao Yi immediately said: "It doesn't hurt anymore."

He sighed and said, "Mom, then I will take care of you."

 Qiao Yiyi laughed directly, "How old are you? How can you take care of me?"

After saying this, I immediately yawned.

Kaka pushed Qiao Yi to go upstairs one by one, "Mom, you are very sleepy. Go and take a nap first. We can wait until you wake up to talk about anything else."

 Qiao Yiyi: "But I haven't made dinner yet, how can you eat it?"

"Don't worry, mom, I will think of something for dinner! Go to bed quickly."

Qiao Yiyi was really sleepy.

  Yesterday in the police station, she actually didn't dare to fall asleep at all.

Even if she knew that Liang Liang was there and could protect her safety, she was worried about Bai Anan and Director Bai causing trouble.

 Thanks to her strong vigilance, she was able to escape from the fire.

 But after so many things, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes.

Being pushed upstairs by Kaka, she didn't pay attention. She waved her hand and said, "Okay, there are biscuits in the refrigerator. If you are hungry, eat some first. I will go and take a nap."

 After saying that, he entered the bedroom. He didn't even wash up. He just lay down on the bed and fell asleep in almost a second.

 When she woke up, the smell of food could be heard from downstairs.

 Hitchhik, you can vaguely hear Kaka talking to someone.

Qiao Yiyi was stunned, who is coming?

 PS: The update is complete ~ see you tomorrow! Please give me a monthly ticket!

 (End of this chapter)

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