After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 1996: Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (34)

Chapter 1996 Who trusts whom? Who teased whom? (34)

Qiao followed the lawyer one by one and wanted to sit in the defendant's seat.

 Lu Nanze and others had to sit in the audience.

 Qiao followed Lu Nanze one by one, first walking to the auditorium, and then when she was about to walk forward, her hand was suddenly held by Lu Nanze.

 Qiao Yiyi was stunned, turned around, and saw Lu Nanze staring at her, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will protect you."

Qiao pursed her lips and nodded.

 Then she followed the lawyer and sat down.

 The lawyer Director Bai hired is a top lawyer in the industry, and this case is really a breakthrough.

Before the trial started, the lawyer on the opposite side told them about Qiao Yiyi and Chen Yansheng's perjury, and it really won the favor of the presiding judge.

Immediately, the lawyer presented many pieces of indirect evidence: "President, judge, this is the evidence we have collected. First of all, the defendant was with the deceased that day, and the deceased wanted to **** the defendant and drug him, but the defendant resisted. Next, the deceased was tied up. From the appearance of the deceased before her death, we can see that the defendant **** the deceased easily, so there was no issue of excessive defense after she **** the deceased. , she is already safe."

After the lawyer said this, he raised his head and said, "No third person has entered the crime scene where the deceased was killed. We have collected various things at the scene, which can prove that there is indeed no one except Mr. Lu." An unexpected fourth person entered, so the defendant is probably the suspect!"

"The defendant had a motive and an opportunity to kill. According to what she said, she left the room at 20 o'clock. But by coincidence, there was something wrong with the club's surveillance video, and it is now irreparable, so no one can Proof, she indeed left the room at twenty.

 The deceased was killed at 28 minutes, and she happened to have time to kill! There is a motive and incident for the murder. Even if we can't produce more direct evidence now, it is enough to accuse the defendant of being a murderer! Besides, why did Chen Yansheng give perjury to the defendant? It's not because they have something evil in mind! "

 After speaking, the chief judge nodded frequently.

 In fact, the evidence of Qiao Yiyi's murder is not established.

But Chen Yansheng’s perjury turned the originally 50-50 situation into a 30-70 situation.

 The attitude of the presiding judge made Qiao Yi frown, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

Even the look the presiding judge gave her contained a special kind of disgust.

This shows that the presiding judge was convinced!

He now feels that he is the murderer!

Qiao Yiyi frowned and turned to look at his lawyer.

Although her lawyers are all the best in the industry, he doesn't know how to deal with this kind of situation.

The scene suddenly shifted to the side where Qiao Yiyi was the murderer.

Bai Anan, who was sitting in the crowd seats, sneered.

 She knew it would be such a scene!

 But at this moment, a figure hurried past her.

That was Lu Nanze's bodyguard. He leaned into Lu Nanze's ear and said something.

Lu Nanze’s eyes immediately lit up, he hurriedly picked up his phone and sent a message to the lawyer!

The lawyer saw the news and stood up suddenly, "Presiding judge, we apply for an adjournment of the trial because we have found new evidence!"

PS: I’m so sleepy. Let’s go wash up and go to bed~~See you tomorrow.

 (End of this chapter)

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