Chapter 2039 Finale (7)

 Surrender yourself?

 The police reacted and asked: "What did you do?"

 “To kill.”

As these two words fell, the police immediately took a step back and looked at her warily. Immediately, someone took the handcuffs and without saying a word, grabbed her first, then pressed her shoulders and said, "Follow her." I’ll go to the interrogation room and explain what you did!”

As Qiao Yi was being pushed forward, he turned back and glanced at Lu Nanze.

Then she smiled again, opened her mouth, and what she said made Lu Nanze slightly stunned. She said two words: Wait for me.


Lu Nanze has changed out of his pajamas and is wearing a suit.

Liang Liang came in a hurry, saw Lu Nanze, and said, "She confessed and admitted that she killed Qian Jin. But she said that Qian Jin killed her mother, and she took the initiative to plead guilty and apply for a commutation of her sentence."

When Lu Nanze heard this, he didn't speak for a while.

 After a while he asked, "What will be the final verdict?"

Liang Liang sighed, "I took a look and found that the lightest sentence should be 15 years in prison."

 Fifteen years.

Lu Nanze suddenly laughed.

Fifteen years later, she was forty years old and a middle-aged woman.

 And he is also in his forties.

However, he has been waiting for five years, so what does fifteen years mean?

 He laughed when he thought of this.

Liang Liang looked at his smile, narrowed his eyes, and then sighed after a while.

 He got the evidence and was hesitating.

Even this morning, when he was looking at those videos, he came up with the idea of ​​burning them.

But before he took action, he received a call from the police station.

 He never thought that Qiao Yiyi would surrender.

And now, judging from Lu Nanze's intention, he actually doesn't want to do anything anymore. Should he just wait for her for fifteen years?

 For a moment, he didn't know what to do.

Lu Nanze stood up and walked towards the door.

So what if she goes to jail, she still has him and Kaka.

 He and Kaka will wait for her to come home.

Thinking of this, his steps became brisk.

 What’s more, they can visit her often. Even when he had nothing to do, he could come to jail and stay with her...

When he thought of this, he walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, he heard the police say: "Brother Liang, Brother Liang! Another person has surrendered!"


Liang Liang stared at the old man in front of him.

Uncle Li looked at him with a smile, "I saw you when you were in love with the lady. But now, I can't let the lady take the blame for me."

Liang Liang was stunned, "But how do you prove that you killed Qian Jin?"

 Uncle Li paused and then smiled, "When the lady came back, I had already killed Qian Jin."

He looked at Liang Liang, "Miss doesn't know the details of killing Qian Jin at all. He thought that I didn't torture Qian Jin, but in fact, I didn't. Qian Jin was in pain before he died. Maybe none of you know what happened at the murder scene." There were water stains and tissue paper, that’s because I wet the tissue paper and put it on his face. After several times, I finally killed him.”

With one word, Liang Liang stood up straight.

 At the murder scene, there was indeed a wet basin and toilet paper, but no one thought much about it at the time. So that's it.

“The madam didn’t want the young lady to know the truth, just because she didn’t want the young lady to bear too much burden, but I didn’t want those criminals to go unpunished like this, so I encouraged the young lady, but how could I possibly let the young lady be stained with blood?”

 Uncle Li stood up, "So, the real murderer is me."


Later, after Liang Liang’s close inspection, it was discovered that what Uncle Li said was true.

 Final court decision:

Qiao was acquitted one by one.

 Uncle Li was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

PS: Well, basically the main story is over, and there are still some things that haven’t been explained clearly, such as the wedding, which will be written in the extra chapter~~ I will continue to update and write some of their sweet plots as extra chapters, and then what do you think? If you want to watch some extra stories, you can leave a message and I will consider it. However, I am not sure about the update time and amount. Going out tomorrow~ Due to the typhoon, most flights may be delayed. I may not be able to arrive at the hotel tomorrow night, so the update time tomorrow is uncertain~~Mom~~If there is no update, everyone will check back the day after tomorrow~~~ Finally, let's announce the new book, titled "Hello, Sweetheart", which is scheduled to be released at 5 pm on September 8. Mmm~~ I hope everyone will come and support me when the time comes.

 (End of this chapter)

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