After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 270: Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (1)

 Chapter 270 Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (1)

 As soon as the contraceptive pill incident came up, she had been waiting for an explanation from him.

 But I didn’t expect that after waiting for so long, I only waited for these five words.


How can those high-concentration contraceptive pills that have been taken in the past cause harm to the body with an apology and be gently removed?

Tears fell silently in the dark night, and she bit her lips to prevent herself from choking.


 She turned her head away and did not look at him.

Shen Liangchuan felt cold when he saw her resisting look.

 In fact, he didn't know himself anymore, so he just said this, just hoping that she could put down the contraceptive pill thing and be with him.

At this moment, she didn't even want to look at him, causing a bitter smile to appear on his lips.

 In fact, he knew a long time ago that she would not forgive him easily.

 Still holding on to some fantasy, hoping to ease the relationship between the two.

 But her obvious refusal made him not know what to do anymore.

He looked at the woman hiding under the quilt. Under the moonlight, he seemed to be able to see the crystal tears on her cheeks. Those tears made his heart shrink suddenly.

 Clenching his fists and then unclenching them, he stood up with both hands on his hands.

 Staying in the room any longer will only add embarrassment and sadness to the two of them.

He strode to the door and looked back again, "I just have to discuss some script matters with Song Cheng in the past two days, so I won't be going home."

After saying this, she was still hiding under the quilt, motionless, and did not respond to his intention.

Shen Liangchuan's eyes dimmed again and he strode away.

The whole villa was filled with a pain that was suffocating him. He staggered downstairs, forgetting to even take his coat, so he changed his shoes and went out.

The sound of a vehicle starting downstairs came from downstairs, and then gradually faded away.

 At this moment, Qiao Lian was sure that Shen Liangchuan had left.

 She let go of the quilt she was holding tightly, and her face was already wet with tears.

She sat up and hugged the quilt. She felt that the huge villa was extremely cramped, and it made her chest feel very heavy.

I took several deep breaths to suppress the depression, got up, washed my face, and lay back on the bed, but I couldn't fall asleep.


 The next day, Qiao Lian went out with two big dark circles under her eyes.

After Qiao Yi saw it, he couldn't help but stare at her face for a long time, pursed his lips, and finally said only one sentence: "Sister, you should pay attention to get a good rest. Nothing is as important as your own body, right?" ?"

Hearing this, Qiao Lian felt a sore nose and nodded.

Today, she will accompany him to the consultation, do various examinations, and let the experts work out a recovery plan.

It was not convenient for Shen Liangchuan to go in and out of the hospital with her, but when she pushed Qiao Yi out, she saw Song Cheng waiting for her in a car. "Mr. Shen has already told me that I will take him all the way."

The careful actions and considerate arrangements made Qiao Lian purse her lips, but said nothing.

 It was already noon when I came back from the hospital.

After Song Cheng sent them to the villa, he said, "Miss Qiao, Mr. Shen is back. Please ask him to call me back."

  Qiao Lian froze when she heard this.

Song Cheng’s words mean that Shen Liangchuan didn’t go to him last night?

Then where did he go?

Just when he thought of this, he saw Song Cheng answering the phone. He said in an excited tone: "What? Which hospital is Mr. Shen in?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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