After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 273: Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (4)

Chapter 273 Xiao Qiao, don’t leave me (4)

 Don’t go…

Who are you talking about?

 What did he dream about? Are you talking about his first love?

Qiao Lian bit her lip and tried again, but found that she couldn't get away at all.

 She was immediately a little angry, feeling that this man was so domineering that it made people want to get angry.

 But suddenly I felt ridiculous again. Why are you being so serious with a patient?

She simply sat on the edge of the bed and just let him hold his hand.

Song Yuanxi went out, and they were the only two people left in the room.

 In the quiet atmosphere, Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan blankly.

After a while, there was a sound at the door.

She turned around and looked over, and saw Song Cheng pushing open the door and coming in.

Seeing her, Song Cheng was slightly startled, and then explained: "Mr. Shen didn't want you to worry, so before going to bed, he told me not to tell you."

 That’s why he called Song Yuanxi to take care of him.

 Qiao Lian nodded.

Song Cheng looked at her and his eyes fell on the man on the hospital bed.

Shen Liangchuan has always been in strong health. He has rarely gotten sick over the years, but this time... he clearly felt that there was a problem between Mr. Shen and Miss Qiao.

 But what could go wrong with them?

He thought about it carefully, and it seemed that... ever since Mr. Shen invited her to eat spicy hotpot, has it become abnormal?

Song Cheng coughed and said, "Miss Qiao, you don't like Malatang?"

 Qiao Lian was asked inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

Song Cheng said to himself: "I would say that Mr. Shen's way of pursuing girls is a bit wrong. If he wants to treat you to dinner, there is no way to treat you to spicy hotpot!..."

At this point, he hurriedly changed his mind and said, "But Mr. Shen must have a good heart for you. That day he asked me to book a Malatang shop and went to find you at four o'clock in the afternoon, but at eight o'clock in the evening, he hadn't gone there yet. …But even if you don’t like Malatang, you probably like the roses sent to your home, right?”

Qiao Lian was confused when asked directly, "What roses? What Malatang?"

Song Cheng was very gossipy, "Just a few days ago, Mr. Shen was in a bad mood and disappeared! Did you guys have a quarrel?"

  Qiao Lian was stunned when she heard this...

She looked at Song Cheng in surprise, connected his words back and forth, and suddenly understood something!

 On the day she stole the contract, she received a text message from him asking her what she was doing and to take her home...

 But she told him that it was eight o'clock in the evening.

 Then, he was actually waiting for her downstairs in their company?

She remembered again that when she was leaving with her suitcase that day, she noticed that there were trampled roses in the living room... She didn't pay attention to it at the time, but now she thought about it, was that flower given to her?

A flash of surprise flashed across her eyebrows, but immediately, a trace of doubt surged deep in her heart.

 She turned to look at the man on the bed in confusion.

 My mood suddenly became very complicated.

He obviously doesn't like her, but why should he be so nice to her?

She bit her lip, feeling as if a warm current was flowing through her heart, which had been wounded so much by him.

Song Cheng saw that she remained silent, so he didn't ask any more questions. He just left one sentence: "Mr. Shen actually cares about you. I have followed him for so many years and I have never seen him care so much about that woman..."

After saying this, Shen Liangchuan on the bed reacted.

He seemed to be having a nightmare and suddenly said: "Xiao Qiao, why are you doing this to me?"

PS: I saw a lot of people urging me to update, so I’ll explain it again~ The website stipulates that only four chapters can be updated during the free period~~

 (End of this chapter)

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