After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 282: I didn't mean to hurt you (3)

Chapter 282 I didn’t want to hurt you (3)

 Seeing her leaving, Shen Liangchuan became anxious.

  After grabbing her, I didn’t know what to say to keep her.

 So he said that sentence.

 But after he finished speaking, he was not sure whether she would believe him.

 He had no choice but to hold her hand tightly and look into her eyes.

 Then, he saw her bit her lip, broke away from his pull, and ran out of the door quickly.

That look...

Shen Liangchuan's hand subconsciously stretched out, trying to grab her again, but in the end it stopped in mid-air, and his arms dropped in frustration.


 After Qiao Lian rushed out, she didn't go far. She stood in the corridor at the door, pressing against the wall.

It is late at night, and the corridors in the hospital are deserted. The quiet environment, combined with the smell of disinfectant, makes people feel particularly energetic.

 And the composure she had pretended to have on her face finally collapsed at this moment.

 I didn’t mean to hurt you…

If he had said this when the contraceptive pill issue first came out, she would definitely have scoffed at it.

 But now…

 Thinking about how he almost risked his life to save herself, what else could she doubt?

  She never knew that in his mind, she actually still had a status.

Her eyes suddenly turned red. She didn't want to lose her composure in front of him, so she ran out.

 But now, in this deserted corridor, she couldn't help but want to laugh, but she also wanted to cry.

 She stretched out her hand and roughly wiped her tears with her sleeve.

 Then she walked towards the end of the corridor.

Standing there, the wind blew in from outside, making her brain extremely clear.

I don’t know how long it took, but she felt like her whole body was getting cold, and her emotions finally calmed down. Then she slowly turned around and walked into the ward.

Paused at the door, Qiao Lian took a deep breath and opened the door.

 With a "squeak" sound, the door opened.

Shen Liangchuan's body stiffened when he was sitting on the hospital bed, as if he realized something, he suddenly raised his head, and when he saw the woman at the door, a bright light flashed in his dark eyes.

Qiao Lian didn't say anything. She always felt that the atmosphere between the two of them was strange. She simply didn't look at his face and just walked to the bed beside him.

Shen Liangchuan stared at the woman lying down. Her petite body felt like a small ball when covered with a quilt. The man who was lonely just now seemed to have regained his energy at this moment.

 The corners of his lips curled up into an undetectable smile.

 He lay down silently and turned off the light, but refused to take his eyes away from her.

 No words all night.

Mornings in the hospital started to get busy at six o'clock.

 Even the VIP ward is no exception.

When Qiao Lian woke up, she heard a man's low voice in her ears: "...My wife is resting, please keep your voice down."

She was stunned for a moment, then heard the doctor whisper: "Okay. Mr. Shen, your fever has gone away. Although the wound on your arm is severe, you can go home after taking the medicine. Just be careful not to do anything when you go home. Once exposed to water, it will grow within a week.”…

 The group of people finished speaking in a low voice and left.

Qiao Lian then pretended not to hear what she just said and opened her eyes.

 First of all, what caught the eye was the handsome profile of the man. He was sitting on the bed, lowering his head and looking at something on his mobile phone. He seemed to be aware of her gaze and turned his head...

 (End of this chapter)

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