Chapter 287 She is Xiao Qiao (3)

 A sudden warmth surged through her heart, and she couldn't help but curl her lips.

 After thinking about it, Qiao Lian suddenly asked, "When did you know that I was from Wangchuan?"

Ever since the two of them quarreled over birth control pills, she didn't mention it, and he didn't say anything about it.

 But he knew that she came to the villa to train the team members.

 Because of the awkward relationship, she never asked.

 Now that the two of them are back to normal, she finally asks this curious question.

Shen Liangchuan glanced at her, and after a while, he said, "Very early."

 Very early?

 How early does "very early" mean?

Qiao Lian curled her lips. Did this guy just use these two words to dismiss her?

She blinked her eyes and suddenly realized: "You shouldn't have known that I was Wangchuan for a long time, so you asked me to give birth to your child, right?"

 He hates paparazzi reporters the most, so it is impossible to find her.

 But if he is a fan of Wangchuan...then maybe~

 Qiao Lian immediately looked at him happily, blinked her eyes and said, "Are you a fan of mine?"

Shen Liangchuan turned his head, glanced at her, and then said slowly: "No."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

This man must have never been in love! I don’t know how to make a girl happy!

She pouted her lips and was about to say something mean when she heard his next sentence: "In the future."

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Her heart felt as if sugar had been injected into her heart in an instant, so sweet that she became tired of it.

Her eyes suddenly lit up. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know what topic to talk about.

 A blush spread on her cheeks, and then she lowered her head and looked outside.

This series of actions caught Shen Liangchuan's eyes and made him curl his lips.

 The car returned to the villa, and Shen Liangchuan and Qiao Lian entered the master bedroom.

 The ambiguous atmosphere just now was interrupted by a phone call. At this moment, both of them were a little uncomfortable.

 Qiao Lian simply put on her pajamas and checked Weibo messages on her phone.

 The circle of female e-sports anchors is relatively small, so anything that happens spreads very quickly.

She originally thought that the voting contest with the Purple Fairy would be over.

Zixianzi wronged her, and she also scolded the other party. As for how the other party used unfair means to get first place, it has nothing to do with her.

 I didn’t expect to see it like this…

I just realized that my Weibo section is going to be blown up!

 In just a few hours, there were thousands more comments on her latest Weibo post asking for votes!

 The cause of this incident was that Zi Xianzi posted another Weibo post, implying that she was of low quality and cursed.

There are pictures and the truth, and he even included a screenshot of her calling her an idiot when she was chatting with him via private message.

As soon as this picture came out, fans of Purple Fairy were in a frenzy.

So everyone ran to her to complain about their idol.

 Qiao Lian was speechless. This was truly an unreasonable disaster!

 Looking at the vote count again, we found that Purple Fairy's fans were angry, so they mobilized their relatives and friends one by one to vote for Purple Fairy, resulting in her number of votes being equal to hers.

While she was observing the data, her phone suddenly rang. It was a call from her live broadcast partner Gao Youming. She answered the call, and Gao Youming's voice came from the other side: "Well, Wangchuan, it was Zi Fairy who called me and said it was …I want to meet you.”

 (End of this chapter)

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