After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 292: Wangchuan is on the hot search list (3)

Chapter 292 Wangchuan became a hot search topic (3)

She pointed at Qiao Lian with trembling hands, as if she had discovered a new world. That look made Qiao Lian subconsciously grab her, "Nian Yao, let's talk in private if we have anything to say."

 Then he acted stingy that he could not reveal the news to one group, and dragged Shi Nianyao out of the conference room and into their office.

Shi Nianyao stared at her, and Qiao Lian also stared at Shi Nianyao.

Two seconds later, the two people pointed at each other: "It's you!"

The gesture of speaking is exactly the same!

After the two people finished saying this, they both looked at each other, and then burst out laughing!

Shi Nianyao thought of her, but after Shi Nianyao reminded her, Qiao Lian also thought of Shi Nianyao!

It turns out that the girl that Mo Xicheng casually kissed that day and attracted everyone's attention was Nian Yao!

It's true that you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes, and it takes no effort at all!


Qiao Lian couldn't help but smile bitterly...

The performance of their two groups this month, one is who is Mrs. Shen, and the other is who is Mo Xicheng’s mysterious girlfriend...

 But now…

 Qiao Lian and Shi Nianyao looked at each other in confusion for a long time without saying a word.

Shi Nianyao was the first to break the silence, "Then... do you also know who Wangchuan is?"

 Qiao Lian nodded helplessly.

Shi Nianyao glanced at her, then thought of her appearance just now, and looked at her in surprise, "It can't be..."

  Qiao Lian nodded again.

She and Shi Nianyao hit it off immediately, and during this period of contact, they became more and more tacit. Although they had only known each other for less than a month, they both felt like they had met each other too late.

Shi Nianyao said decisively: "Well, you take care of Mrs. Shen and Wangchuan's affairs, and I'll take care of my boyfriend's mysterious girlfriend!"

"make a deal!"

So, the two people prepared their things together and followed a group of personnel sent out to go downstairs.

Seeing that others had to stay up all night to keep an eye on them, the two of them said goodbye downstairs and went back to their homes!

Getting in the taxi, Qiao Lian reported the address of the villa.

 Then pick up the phone and check the voting progress.

 You will know if there is one as soon as Actor Shen makes a move!

Purple Fairy had 100,000 votes, but Wangchuan actually got 1 million votes in just one hour! Moreover, the number of votes continues to rise!

 With this look...she didn't even dare to log in to her Weibo, her computer would definitely crash!

Qiao Lian held the phone and hesitated for a while before opening the address book, finding Shen Liangchuan's number, and dialed him.

The phone rang once and was answered immediately. Shen Liangchuan's deep voice came from the other side, "Hello."

 His one word seemed to be like a surge of electricity, slowly reaching her heart, causing her to unconsciously raise her lips: "I'm off work."

"…I will pick you up?"

 “No, I’ve already taken a taxi and I’m going home now.”


“…Well, why are you paying attention to me?”

 After saying these words, the other person paused for a moment, and then he said seriously: "Because, I am your fan."

Weibo, isn’t it a place where fans can follow their idols?

When Qiao Lian heard this, she couldn't help covering her face and laughed silly again.

While chatting, her phone rang. She glanced at it and found that it was a WeChat message from Nian Yao: [Look at Zi Xianzi Weibo. What a hypocritical White Lotus! 】

Qiao Lian was stunned and her heart sank. I wonder what happened to this purple fairy!

 (End of this chapter)

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