After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 296: Wangchuan is on the hot search list (7)

Chapter 296 Wangchuan is on the hot search list (7)

 Qiao Lian was slightly startled, and when she was about to take a closer look, her hand was held by a big hand.

She turned her head and saw Shen Liangchuan following her eyes, "What are you looking at?"

Qiao Lian's eyes suddenly fell on his big hand that was holding her tightly.

 The warm palm is very dry, but it carries a heavy sense of security, which makes people feel reassured.

Her eyes widened, and she felt that the warmth seemed to be transmitted through the palm of his hand to her heart.

This seems to be the first time they have held hands in public.

She couldn't help but swallow.

It wasn't until he asked again that Qiao Lian suddenly came back to her senses and bit her lip: "No, it's nothing."

Shen Liangchuan did not continue to ask, but just led her to the restaurant.

Since it is a private restaurant, the privacy is particularly strong, and there is no need to worry about being photographed by paparazzi reporters.

The two of them walked inside. As they walked, Qiao Lian saw Zi Fairy's figure swaying in front and entered the private room in front.

Qiao Lian was slightly startled but didn't care.

 Following Shen Liangchuan into the private room he had reserved in advance, Shen Liangchuan handed her the menu and asked her to order.

 After ordering the food, the waiter went out.

  Qiao Lian's eyes fell on the big hand that was still holding her tightly.


  In the private room that Zi Fairy entered, a young man was sitting there.

He has a handsome appearance and a sunny smile on his face. You can tell at a glance that he is from a good family background, and his behavior shows the elegance cultivated in a wealthy family.

When Zi Fairy saw this man, her cheeks immediately turned red. She pursed her lips and sat down opposite the man.

 The man said politely: "Miss Zi, what's the matter?"

Zi Xianzi smiled, "That's right, the first e-sports competition will be in half a month. Our team has been established for a relatively short time, so I want to equip them with the best computers. However, currently there are only Five computers were ordered in advance by others..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the man, "What's the matter? Just buy it at a high price."

Zixianzi looked bitter, "The other party also knew that we were in a hurry, so they asked for a lot of money, and they even asked for one million. It's really..."

 The man immediately waved his hand, "Then give it."

Zixianzi was stunned and said, "Mr. Sun..."

The man looked at Zi Fairy and said, "Miss Zi, I have only one request for you when setting up this e-sports club. I can provide you with all the best things, as long as you are number one."

Purple Fairy immediately straightened her face and said, "Mr. Sun, I understand."

  The man nodded: "If nothing happens, Miss Zi can go and get busy."

Purple Fairy immediately bit her lip. It could be seen that the other party did not invite her to dine with her, so she had to stand up.

She walked out and reached the door, but suddenly stopped, and then turned back: "Mr. Sun, can I ask why you must be first?"

 When the man heard this, he immediately fell silent.

 After a while, he spoke: "Because I want to help someone realize her dream."

 He has been looking for her for eight years, but there is no news at all.

 And if his e-sports club becomes famous at home and abroad, and he becomes famous at home and abroad, will she come to him?

Thinking of this, the man sighed heavily.

 Xiao Lian, where are you? Why is it so difficult to find someone?

 (End of this chapter)

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