After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 464: Kogawa? Kogawa! ! (15)

Chapter 464 Zichuan? Zichuan! (15)

She immediately rushed to the personnel office excitedly and said, "I'll get my press pass."

She thought that the human resources department would give her the press card soon, but unexpectedly, the human resources department said in confusion: "I didn't receive your press card here. I'm also very surprised. The press cards in the same batch as yours have been approved, why not? your?"

When Qiao Lian heard this, her joy disappeared instantly, "Could it be a mistake?"

 Renshi shook his head, "No, I counted them when the editor-in-chief gave them to me, and you were indeed not included."

She frowned, "You mean, the press card was given to you by the editor-in-chief?"

 Personnel nods.

Qiao Lian turned around and walked to the editor-in-chief Liu Zhixing's office.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard voices coming from inside.

ˆ is the voice of the editor-in-chief and a group of editors-in-chief Zhang Chunhua.

 Zhang Chunhua: "Editor-in-chief Liu, Meimei has lost twenty pounds during this period. After that day, she couldn't eat anything. When will you have time to see her?"

Liu Zhixing sighed when he heard this, "I also want to see Meimei, but during this period, the family is under strict control. As you know, when I first came to work, she went on a trip."

Qiao Lian narrowed her eyes when she heard this.

 What this means is...when Liu Zhixing came to the newspaper office, Zhang Chunhua knew that he was married?

Then why didn’t you persuade your niece?

She narrowed her eyes and heard footsteps coming from inside.

 Soon, the office door was opened.

Zhang Chunhua stood at the door, stunned for a moment, then his face turned cold, "Qiao Lian? What are you doing here?"

Qiao Lianxiao said, "A group of chief editors, I came to see the chief editor about something, do I still need to report to you?"

Zhang Chunhua snorted coldly, "You're such a tough talker. If you don't tell me, I know what you're here for."

 Qiao Lian raised her eyebrows.

Zhang Chunhua continued: "Everyone else has been issued press cards, but you don't have one... Without a press card, at best, you are just a part-time worker in the newspaper office! You cannot be considered a reporter at all!"

When Qiao Lian heard this, she ignored her, bypassed her and walked directly to Liu Zhixing: "Chief Editor, what's going on with my press card?"

When Liu Zhixing heard this, he immediately said with a smile, "Do you have your press card? How come you don't have it? It's here!"

 At this point, he opened his drawer and took out his certificate.

Qiao Lian's eyes lit up and she was about to reach out to pick it up.

Zhang Chunhua suddenly rushed in and said, "Chief editor, we can't give it to her. This guy has been slacking off since he became the editor-in-chief of the second team. How many reports has their team submitted this month? Why should I give her a press card!"

After saying this, Liu Zhixing took back the hand he had just extended and held the press card in his hand.

Qiao Lian narrowed her eyes when she saw him like this.

Liu Zhixing coughed and said, "Editor Zhang is right. Editor Qiao, your team's tasks for this month are not enough."

This sentence clearly means that he intends to use his press card to blackmail her for news!

Things have been complicated this month. Their team did not come up with any breaking news, but small news kept coming.

 This Liu Zhixing is simply greedy!

Looking at his greedy eyes, Qiao Lian lowered her head, "I understand what it means."

 Speaking of this, he turned around and walked out.

 She needs a big news now, and then exchanges her press pass with Liu Zhixing.

Walking back to the office, Qiao Lian called Shi Nianyao, "Let's go collect news!"

 (End of this chapter)

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