Chapter 467 Zichuan? Zichuan! (18)

Thinking of this, Qiao Lian looked over there and said to Shi Nianyao: "You take the photo with you first, and I'll go take a look."

Shi Nianyao smiled and said, "I'm not worried about you being alone, so I'll accompany you."

 Qiao Lian nodded.

The two of them groped along and saw that a waitress who had brought drinks from the hotel had already walked to the door of their private room.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to knock on the door, he was stopped by the red clothes, "Hey, waiter!"

When the girl heard this, she was stunned and turned around.

Qiao Lian and Shi Nianyao stood far away. The moment the girl turned back, they both couldn't help but take a breath.

 Because, this girl is so beautiful.

That kind of beauty is very pure beauty.

At first glance, the pure natural and unsatisfactory face was also weak.

 The figure is a bit thin, which makes the girl look even more fragile.

 She smiled sweetly and looked at the man in red clothes, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

The red-clothed man's eyes widened, he swallowed, and stepped forward, "Girl, how much does it cost for one night?"

When the girl heard this, her face immediately turned red. She bit her lip and lowered her head, "I, I'm not that kind of person..."

"What kind of person?" The man in red smiled obscenely and put his hand on the girl's shoulder.

 The girl took a step back in a hurry and looked at him in horror, "Sir, please don't do this."

"What's wrong with me?" The man in red clothes took a step forward and leaned against her body with a smile. "Girl, my brother is rich. As long as you follow him, he will definitely take good care of you. How about it?"

The girl was so frightened that she turned around and started to leave.

But the man in red clothes hugged her waist, "Oh, I've taken a liking to you, and you still want to leave? Have you left?"

After saying this, he reached out to take the tray from her hand and handed it to the person next to him.

The man understood in his mind, and when no one was paying attention, he hurriedly put the pill into a glass of wine.

Here, the man in red clothes originally planned to tease the girl, but then got down to business.

 But when he got close to her, he smelled the nice fresh scent of the girl.

Hong Yi has played with many women, but this freshness just aroused his evil thoughts.

So he waved his hand and said, "Lao Liu, you bring the drinks in and I'll play with you."


When the girl saw this situation, she immediately shouted: "Let me go, I'm just a waiter, I don't do anything else..."

“Yes, waiter, please serve me now.”

 As he said that, he went to unbuckle his trousers.

Seeing his disgusting look, the girl waved her hand and hit the red-clothed man in the face with "Pah!"

This time, it’s like poking a hornet’s nest.

The man in red clothes spat violently, "Bah, how dare you hit me!"

 With one sentence, he punched the girl in the stomach.

 Then, he landed punch after punch.

The girl hugged her body and huddled in the corner, trembling. She was beaten and couldn't speak.

  Looking weak, but actually there is still a bit of stubbornness in his heart.

Qiao Lian and Shi Nianyao were both stunned!

The mood in red clothes changed too quickly!

 The soft one doesn’t work, but he went straight to the hard one!

The beating wasn't enough, but he took the opportunity to rip the girl's clothes off!

By the time the two of them came back to their senses, the girl's clothes were already a bit scanty.

The man in red clothes was still there, saying, "I'll let you beat my brother! If you don't drink the toast, you'll be fined with wine!"

Although Qiao Lian has always adhered to the principle of not meddling in other people's business, at this moment, she couldn't stand it anymore.

 (End of this chapter)

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