Chapter 474 She is Mrs. Shen! (5)

Shi Nianyao was a little worried, "She was still like this when I went there. If you go there, it might be even worse."

 Qiao Lian reached out and took the printed manuscript from Shi Nianyao's hand, and then walked directly to a group of offices.

As soon as she entered, she saw Zhang Chunhua talking about skin care products with other colleagues.

Qiao Lian walked over and said, "Deputy Editor-in-Chief, this manuscript..."

Zhang Chunhua immediately rolled his eyes, "Didn't you see that I'm talking to others about work? Things are done on a first-come, first-served basis!"

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

So, does she want to just stand there and wait like this stupidly?

If he had a good temper, he would probably obey him, but who knows that Qiao Lian is not a submissive character at all?

She curled her lips and said, "When did skin care products become our job? I remember we are entertainment reporters. This kind of reporting on skin care products is inappropriate for our department, right?"

 Zhang Chunhua:…

 Zhang Chunhua then raised his head, looked at Qiao Lian, and then narrowed his eyes.

Qiao Lian continued to stare at her, "Then, deputy editor-in-chief, you can continue chatting, and I will go and submit the manuscript to the editor-in-chief."

 After saying that, he turned around and left.

 Zhang Chunhua stood up suddenly, "Come back!"

 Qiao Lian stood still and turned around.

 Zhang Chunhua walked towards the office with a gloomy face, "Come here."

Qiao Lian followed her into the office. Zhang Chunhua took the manuscript, glanced at it, and threw it on the table, "I said, this manuscript is written in too many vernaculars. People only read entertainment reports for gossip. You This kind of gossip is quite satisfactory and doesn’t have the feeling of passion. Go back and write it again!”

ˆ Qiao Lian:…

 Emotional and entertainment reports need to be written in the form of novels? Confused, "Deputy Editor, how should I write it?"

Zhang Chunhua sneered, "Why are you so stupid? You can't even understand such words?"

Qiao Lian nodded, "I'm really stupid! I can't understand what you mean, deputy editor-in-chief. How about this? Come and write it for me!"

After finishing the sentence, Zhang Chunhua slapped the table and said, "That's ridiculous! I'm the deputy editor. If I write all the manuscripts, what else do you need to do?"

Qiao Lian nodded, "So, are you determined to make things difficult for me?"

Zhang Chunhua narrowed his eyes, "Meimei has lost ten pounds since she resigned! Now she is at home and doesn't think about food or tea!"

  Qiao Lian: "What does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Chunhua said with a dark face: "Qiao Lian, we plain people don't tell secrets. Was it you who found Liu Zhixing's wife?"

ˈ˜Qiao Lian nodded straightforwardly, "It's me."

Zhang Chunhua stood up, "Then you still say it has nothing to do with you? It's all you who caused Meimei to be like this! Tell you, I swear to you I won't give up! Take this manuscript back and revise it until I am satisfied, otherwise If so, your team will work overtime today, don’t even think about going back!”

 Qiao Lian looked at Zhang Chunhua and felt that this man was simply mentally ill, right?

Su Meimei is still reasonable in her mouth when she works as a mistress for others? And he, the person who exposed this matter, became a sinner?

She curled her lips and couldn't help laughing, "So, you blame me for not letting Su Meimei continue to be the mistress?"

Zhang Chunhua's face suddenly turned ugly, "Don't say it so harshly, you are not a mistress! Meimei and Liu Zhixing are just friends!"

 “If you want to be friends with a married woman, why don’t you call her a mistress?” Qiao Lian’s outlook was shattered!

 (End of this chapter)

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