Chapter 476 She is Mrs. Shen! (7)

"Those 17 workers who died, their families did not receive compensation! How many people have lost their families because of this, and how many people have no hope for the rest of their lives because of this!"

"Qiao Lian, what shame do you have to talk about Meimei? No matter how bad Meimei is, she will not harm people's lives! But as for your parents, they are simply executioners. 17 fresh lives were ruined like this!"

Zhang Chunhua was like a righteous warrior at this moment. He stretched out his hand, pointed at Qiao Lian's nose and cursed: "This kind of garbage is worse than a pig or a dog! They committed suicide, which is considered to be the most correct thing to do to eliminate harm for the world." "

 Qiao Lian's whole body was trembling with anger at this moment.

 Everyone has a bottom line.

 Her bottom line is her dead parents.

She still remembers how shocked her parents were after the incident. She remembers how someone threw rotten eggs at them when they walked out the door. She still remembers that she and her brother were expelled from school because of this incident.

They, a family of four, have become street rats in everyone’s eyes!

 But, my parents are not that kind of people!

 My parents have always been kind to others all their lives. Every year, 10% of the Qiao family's company's business income will be donated to welfare institutions.

 The education given to them by their parents has always been righteous.

 So, it is impossible for them to do such a thing!

In such a difficult situation, her parents persisted and waited for the police to investigate what happened. She also thought that sooner or later, they would be cleared of suspicion.

However, she did not expect that what greeted her was a fire at home.

 Everyone said that my parents committed suicide out of fear of crime.

But she knew it was impossible...

 Her parents loved her and her brother the most. It was impossible for them to die and leave nothing to them.

She bit her lips and looked at everyone, "Don't spit on others! My parents didn't commit suicide out of fear of crime at all!"

“Heh, why don’t you say no now? The police had already concluded the case back then! Do you think we will believe you just because of your red mouth and white teeth? Besides, how can a trash scum like that still have the honor to live if he doesn’t commit suicide?!”

Qiao Lian stared at Zhang Chunhua and said through gritted teeth: "Who are you saying is **** and who is a scum?"

Zhang Chunhua said loudly, "Your parents! They are trash, scum! They deserve to die! Death is not a pity!"

 “Shut up!” Qiao Lian was furious!

 These three words were almost shouted out loud.

 My parents were wronged.

For so many years, she wanted to become a reporter, just to dig out the truth of the year and make it public to clear her parents' grievances.

 But now, she wanted to tear Zhang Chunhua's mouth to pieces.

Zhang Chunhua still sneered, "Why haven't you told me yet? Are you feeling guilty? But if your mouth is open in my face, I will tell you!"

"His parents are both evil-hearted, and their children will certainly be evil-hearted too! This Qiao Lian has a sharp mouth and is not a good person at first glance. He looks just like his parents! What a waste of the whole family! "

“It’s really embarrassing to have such a parent! So she never dares to write her parents’ names on the employee resume. I think she knows that her parents are not good people, right?”…

Each sentence made Qiao Lian's anger grow higher and higher.

She looked at Zhang Chunhua's cold cheek, and finally, unable to bear it any longer, she took a step forward, stretched out her hand suddenly, and slapped her **** the face!

 (End of this chapter)

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