After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 481: Who is more important? (2)

Chapter 481 Who is more important? (2)

Qiao Lian was slightly startled, "Mom, why are you back?"

During this period, Xia Yehua stayed in the hospital day and night to accompany Song Yuanxi, fearing that she would feel lonely.

 There is something wrong when I come back now.

While she was wondering, she heard Xia Yehua nod, "Well, Liangchuan has passed, I will come back to rest for the afternoon and then go over in the evening."

 One word made Qiao Lian stiffen slightly.

Shen Liangchuan said that he had something urgent to do. This matter... was to visit Song Yuanxi in the hospital?

 My mood suddenly sank, and a sour feeling arose spontaneously.

 She bit her lip, trying to suppress her inner discomfort.

 Song Yuanxi is the sister of his first love after all, so he still can't let her go and goes to visit her...

Just when she thought of this, she saw Xia Yehua holding her hand and walking into the room: "Hey, these two children have a secret. In the past, no matter how busy they were, they would disappear for a whole day every year on this day. I originally thought Yuan Xi suffered a broken leg this year and has difficulty moving. Unexpectedly, Liangchuan passed by again... I don’t know what she was doing mysteriously. "Xiao Qiao, did Shen Liangchuan tell you?"

Xia Yehua's curious words seemed to knock over the five-flavor bottle in Qiao Lian's heart.

 The secret between Shen Liangchuan and Song Yuanxi... nothing more than his first love.

 His first love, even though it is dead, always appears frequently in their lives.

She lowered her head and comforted Xia Yehua with a smile: "I don't know either. But don't worry, Mom. Since you go every year, it means there must be no problem."

Xia Yehua could only nodded.

 Accompanying Song Yuanxi in the hospital, even in the VIP ward, it is impossible to rest like at home.

Xia Yehua was a little tired. After talking to Qiao Lian downstairs for a while, he went upstairs to take a nap.

 Qiao Lian was sitting alone in the living room, staring at the home quietly.

 There are four people in this family.

Xia Yehua is going to the hospital to accompany Song Yuanxi in the evening.

Shen Liangchuan is currently accompanying Song Yuanxi.

 But no one could share her joy of leaving her job.

 For a moment, she suddenly felt very alone and lonely.

Once this feeling comes up, it can no longer be driven away.

 She leaned on the sofa and turned on the TV.

His eyes fell on the room on the third floor.

Last time, I wanted to go take a look, but was interrupted by Sister-in-law Li.

 Since then, Sister-in-law Li has had some intention of supervising her.

But the more this happened, the more curious she became, what kind of woman was Shen Liangchuan's first love?

 She sighed deeply when she thought of this.

 I tried hard to focus on the TV series, but I changed from one channel to another, and I felt that those programs were very boring and uninteresting.

She simply picked up her phone and found her favorite entertainment program before.

 But as soon as I started watching it, I couldn’t stand it anymore.

She simply threw away her phone and lay on the sofa alone, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

I don’t know how long it took, but her cell phone suddenly rang.

 Qiao Lian was stunned, turned around, and found that it was Song Yuanxi.

Qiao Lian frowned. She thought of something and answered the call. Song Yuanxi's voice came from the other side: "Qiao Lian, do you want to know where Brother Liangchuan and I are now?"

 Qiao Lian tightened her phone and asked, "Where is it?"

Song Yuanxi spoke slowly, "Today is the anniversary of my sister's death."

 (End of this chapter)

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