After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 704: Do you hate me so much? (5)

 Chapter 704 Do you hate me so much? (5)

When he got closer, he saw the man who was complaining about compensation, tugging on Qiao Lian's sleeve, not knowing what he was talking about.

His face turned cold and his expression became sharp. He strode forward and entered the crowd. He said in a cold voice: "What are you doing?!"

 After saying this, everyone turned their heads.

After seeing him again, Qiao Lian's eyes lit up and her words were filled with relief, "You are finally back!"

 Looking at her look, it didn't look like she was being embarrassed, but rather helpless.

Shen Liangchuan was startled when he saw the man in his fifties or sixties tugging on Qiao Lian's sleeve. When he saw Shen Liangchuan, he rushed over with a face filled with joy, "Best Actor Shen, I've finally met you! "

 His eyes fell on Shen Liangchuan's forehead.

 His forehead is still covered with gauze, and the wound has not completely healed.

The man's eyes showed a guilty look.

He lowered his head and suddenly slapped himself, "actor Shen, it was my fault that you hit me. I was the one who threw the brick."

Shen Liangchuan was stunned.

The old man's eyes suddenly turned red, "I, I thought you were really profiteers and ignored us. I was really angry at the time, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he lowered his head and choked with sobs.

Someone around him took a step forward and explained to him: "Well, speaking of it, this old man Liu is also a poor man. Eight years ago, he and his wife sold the house they lived in before and borrowed a lot of money. After paying the full price of the building, the whole family rented a house to live outside. His son's wife ran away, and his mother-in-law also became ill and died two years ago. The relatives who had borrowed money also started to come to collect debts one by one, fearing that he would not be able to bear it anymore and would leave too, and their money would be wasted. He now takes his son to do manual labor on the construction site. ”

Hearing this, Qiao Lian bit her lip.

 Actually, legally, parents’ debts have nothing to do with their children.

However, looking at these people, who spend their whole lives just for a house, and the house has turned into rubbish, they feel that the sky is dark.

 That kind of life is really miserable.

She is not the Holy Mother. She just feels that the events back then were too big and the people who died just died. No one gave a clear explanation. Those who bought the house also lost their money...

 These people are not bad people.

 They are also victims.

 The ones who really killed his parents were not them, but some people behind the scenes.

Qiao Lian lowered her eyes and saw Shen Liangchuan glance at her, then look back at the person who spoke, and then said: "It's okay, I understand you, but please face things rationally in the future. Don't be fooled."

The man nodded immediately and burst into tears.

 Then a group of people looked at Actor Shen and said good things one by one:

 “Yingdi Shen, you are truly the savior!”

“Actor Shen, I will definitely be your die-hard fan from now on!”

 “Yingdi Shen, you saved our group of people!”


All kinds of flattering words made Shen Liangchuan dumbfounded.

 After finally sending this group of people away, Qiao Lian felt bad looking at the various specialties they had left behind.

Shen Liangchuan hugged her waist, "What's wrong?"

 (End of this chapter)

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