After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 716: Do you hate me so much? (17)

 Chapter 716 Do you hate me so much? (17)

Lu Nanze's car slowly left.

 In the parking lot, Qiao Lian stared at Shen Liangchuan.

His expression was stern, with a complicated light shining in his eyes.

After a while, when she was sure that Shen Liangchuan would not tell her what happened eight years ago, she looked away and turned to the car, "Let's go back."

Shen Liangchuan nodded.

 The two figures acted as if what just happened had never happened at all.

 But only Qiao Lian knew that she couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

 When she was at her most innocent age, when she was most sincere about love, why did he break the date?

It was also that incident that made her resist love in the next eight years.


 In the following days, both Qiao Lian and Shen Liangchuan became very busy.

 Time flies very quickly, half a month has passed.

 Everything about the property has been taken care of and construction can begin immediately!

 At the same time, they have also obtained pre-sale qualifications and can start selling their houses tomorrow!

Of course, house prices eight years ago cannot be compared with today.

  Excluding the 100 units that were sold eight years ago, and the other 200 units, if calculated according to the surrounding housing prices, this real estate as a whole will suffer a serious loss.

 In the hotel.

Shen Liangchuan and several people from Song Cheng were having a meeting in the next room.

Qiao Lian held the fund budget sheet that Song Cheng had just calculated. Looking at the numbers on it, her face turned as pale as paper.

 When she didn’t come to open the real estate project, she knew that she would definitely lose money.

 But I didn’t expect that the losses would be so severe.

 If this is the case...then the Shen family may not be able to get enough money even if their entire family is destroyed!

While thinking, the hotel room door was pushed open and Shen Liangchuan walked in.

 Qiao Lian looked up and saw him. Thinking of the concessions he had made for this real estate, she suddenly felt her heart tightening.

 She took a deep breath, stepped forward, and gave him a big hug.

Shen Liangchuan looked at her, took out the budget sheet in her hand, looked at the table, walked over immediately, closed the document on the computer, then looked at her and said, "Things are not as you see. Simple. "

Qiao Lian knew that he was still trying to comfort herself by speaking like this.

 Unless these houses can be sold at sky-high prices, it is impossible to make a profit.

 But housing prices cannot be controlled by him alone.

 Qiao Lian bit her lip and was about to say something with emotion when the hotel door was suddenly pushed open by Song Cheng.

He usually does things safely and would never be so flustered. If he is like this now, something big must have happened!

As soon as she thought of this, Qiao Lian heard him say in panic: "Brother Shen, look at the reports! Look on the Internet!"

Hearing this, Qiao Lian frowned and immediately turned on the TV and found the TV station, which was broadcasting the news: "...In those shabby projects back then, sewer pipes and other materials were made of the lowest-end materials. The accident at the construction site that year was because of broken steel bars. Now that Film Emperor Shen has invested in the renovation, the quality is worrisome.”

Looking at the Internet, most of them are criticizing the Shen Liangchuan building and the building materials purchased are of the lowest quality.

Someone even broke the news: Everyone thinks that this real estate will definitely lose money. The question now is whether to lose more or less. Let’s not talk about the quality of the real estate. It is definitely not a high-end real estate! If the best materials are used, even if the actor Shen is sold, it won’t be enough to build a building!

 (End of this chapter)

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