After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 724: Mo Xicheng, I like you! (2)

Chapter 724 Mo Xicheng, I like you! (2)

When Qiao Lian found Shen Liangchuan, Shen Liangchuan was standing next to the filming scene and watching.

The director was filming there, and Mo Xicheng was filming an important scene.

Qiao Lian walked over and saw Shen Liangchuan staring at Mo Xicheng, his eyes were very dark.

  She suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

 Shen Liangchuan only takes on one play a year.

 He is very devoted to filming and will do a lot of research in advance.

 Since she married Shen Liangchuan, Shen Liangchuan has been studying the role of "The Hero", but in the end, it was for her...

 Qiao Lian immediately shook her head, not thinking about this matter, and instead her eyes fell on the field again.

Mo Xicheng does have a lot of tension.

 Qiao Lian has seen Shen Liangchuan acting before, and the feeling of being immersed in a play every minute can also be vividly demonstrated in Mo Xicheng at this moment.

After a scene, if it weren't for the surrounding equipment and the director, Qiao Lian would have felt as if she had traveled to the Three Kingdoms era and witnessed Cao Cao's mental journey with her own eyes.

 Wait until a scene is finished.

 The director then walked towards Shen Liangchuan with Mo Xicheng.

  The director was very excited when he saw Shen Liangchuan, "Actor Shen! Why are you here?"

Shen Liangchuan nodded to the director, "Come and visit the class."

Mo Xicheng took a step forward. The two men extended their fists to each other and hit each other on the shoulders, silently showing the friendship between them.

Then, the director looked at Mo Xicheng and said, "Let's move Teacher Mo's scene today to tomorrow! It's a rare occasion for Actor Shen to come. In the evening, Teacher Mo will represent the crew and treat Actor Shen to a meal!"

 Director Wang and Shen Liangchuan have a very good relationship.

Last time, Director Wang felt very sorry for Shen Liangchuan because of the incident involving investors.

Later, Shen Liangchuan approached him to discuss investment, and he immediately agreed.

 And Lu Nanze’s investment share in the crew suddenly dropped by 30%.

His character has always been domineering. Since he has no absolute say in the crew, he simply withdraws his investment and leaves.

 But with Shen Liangchuan's investment, Director Wang is not afraid of losing his money.

So now, Lu Nanze is no longer the investor of the crew, Shen Liangchuan is.

 Director Wang knew Shen Liangchuan's character and didn't like exaggeration, so he simply asked Mo Xicheng to entertain him.

Mo Xicheng nodded, "Well, I'm going to take off my makeup."

Shen Liangchuan was just wandering around the set, but Qiao Lian was very anxious. She looked around and asked Shen Liangchuan, "Where should we go to eat tonight?"

Shen Liangchuan raised his eyebrows, "Are you hungry?"

 Qiao Lian shook her head: "No."

 “Then what are you in a hurry for?”

ˈ˜Qiao Lian: “…tell me quickly!”

Shen Liangchuan then spoke: "If there is no problem, we should go to the hot pot restaurant opposite the crew."

 Winter and hot pot are a perfect match.

 The hot pot restaurant opposite the crew is also a place where stars like them often go.

 There are private rooms inside, and the sound insulation effect is also good.

Hearing this, Qiao Lian nodded immediately and called Shi Nianyao, "See you at the hot pot restaurant tonight!"

 After making the call like a thief, Mo Xicheng waited for another half an hour before Mo Xicheng walked out.

 He still had a rubber band on his head, but he had just changed his clothes and taken off his makeup.

Seeing Shen Liangchuan, he said: "It's too troublesome to put the rubber sleeve on. I have a night scene tonight, so I won't take it off."

The three of them walked to the hot pot restaurant. As soon as they entered, Qiao Lian said exaggeratedly: "Oh, isn't this Nian Yao? What a coincidence! Are you here to eat hot pot too? Let's come together!"

 (End of this chapter)

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