Chapter 849 Trip to Hainan (14)

 But at this moment, all those alienations disappeared.

She suddenly understood why Qiao Lian became so crazy after getting into the water. Sometimes, making a fuss can build a relationship.

  The water fight took place in the water for a long time, and by the end, the four of us were exhausted and out of breath.

Qiao Lian looked at Shen Zihao proudly, "How about it? We are still better, right?"

 “Tch~what’s so awesome?”

“Your brother is handsomer than you, has a better figure than you, and his academic performance must be better than yours! Tell me, have you ever been jealous of him?”

Shen Zihao snorted coldly, "In your eyes, my brother is good at everything, but do you know that he is not as good as me in one thing?"


Qiao Lian was very curious.

Shen Zihao raised his head proudly, "When I was a kid, my brother couldn't compete with me in the 100-meter dash!"

After saying this, Qiao Lian looked at Shen Liangchuan, "Is it true or not?"

Shen Liangchuan coughed.

Shen Zihao revealed his past, "Sister-in-law, you don't know, even though my brother seems to be very powerful now, in fact, he was very lazy before. When I was a child, I was better than him in sports!"

 Qiao Lian bit her lip, "Then you are the simple-minded type with well-developed limbs, while your brother is the brain-using type, right?"

Shen Zihao's eyes widened immediately, "What does it mean to have a simple mind and well-developed limbs! Can you speak?"


Several people argued and walked from the water to the shore.

I didn’t feel it when I was making trouble in the water, but at this moment, my legs felt as if they were filled with lead, and they were so heavy.

 The four of them lay directly on the beach, too tired to walk and very thirsty.

At this moment, Xia Yehua's voice came over, "Okay, are you hungry and thirsty? Come and eat quickly!"

 Four people were lying there, none of them willing to move.

Qiao Lian waved her hand, "Mom, put your things there first, we are too tired to walk."

 Thinking like this, I saw Xia Yehua coming in front of several people.

 She was holding a tray with four drinks on it.

 She first handed Qiao Lian a glass of mango juice, "No, your favorite flavor."

  Qiao Lianxiao.

 Then, she handed Shen Liangchuan another cup of herbal tea, "Your favorite herbal tea!"

 Soon, she walked up to Shen Zihao and handed him a glass of lemon honey water, "Your favorite!"

Shen Zihao took it and was slightly startled.

 When he was a child, his favorite drink was lemon honey water. Unexpectedly, after so many years, his mother still remembered it.

 Perhaps I don’t still remember it, but I have never forgotten it.

She was standing in front of him at the moment, smiling and amiable. Her look made him feel as if his whole heart was soaked in the sun.

He took the lemon honey water and took a sip. She should have added the honey in it, not too much, not too little. It was not very sweet, but it was very flavorful, which he liked.

Even someone as careful as Mei Feng actually doesn't know about these little habits.

 Shen Zihao couldn't help but lower his head.

 Actually, it’s nice to have the feeling of being a mother, isn’t it?

Xia Yehua walked up to Xia Nuannuan again and said, "Nuannuan, you're pregnant, don't get into trouble with them anymore. Mom has prepared apple juice for you. It's gentle and good for the baby."

Xia Nuannuan took the juice and said, "Thank you, Mom!"

 After saying this, he lowered his head and started drinking.

 A group of people played wildly all afternoon, and their relationship became much closer.

 (End of this chapter)

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