After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 862: The truth eight years ago! (11)

 Chapter 862 The truth eight years ago! (11)

 Qiao Lian was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Say."

 The captain hesitated for a while, and finally said: "You know Mo Wuxin, do you like you?"

 Qiao Lian was stunned in her seat and said in shock: "Huh?"

 Mo Wuxin, like her?

Captain must be joking with her again, right?

 But...looking at the serious look on the captain's face, and then thinking about the fact that Mo Wuxin had passed away, the captain would not make a joke about a dead person...she was shocked.

 Mo Wuxin likes her?

Mo Wuxin, the one who likes to scold her and fight against her the most, even if she later plays games and becomes better than him, actually likes her?

 The captain scratched his head and said, "Actually, many people in our team liked you at that time."

 The game is played well. Even if there are no photos, you can still feel that she is a lively and cute girl by listening to her voice.

With the unique arrogance of a girl, Xiao Qiao never knew how popular she was in the team back then.

 Most of the men in the team like her.

 At first, I liked playing games with her.

But this girl was so smart that she quickly learned all the operations. She seemed to be born for the game, and she was getting rid of them little by little... Until later, she was the only person in the entire team who could stand beside Zichuan. !

 Even Mo Wuxin can't compare to them.

 Such a person is born to be the center of attention, a proud man of heaven, and should be admired by others.

 The captain did not say that he had also liked her, and she was also his dream girl.

But there is no need to say these words at this moment.


 When leaving the cemetery, Qiao Lian was a little confused.

 Mo Wuxin likes her. Could this be the source of their misunderstanding back then?

She lowered her head when she thought of this, and then bit her lip after a while.

Things seem to be getting more confusing.

 Qiao Lian sighed with a headache. Why is it so difficult to pursue the truth eight years ago?

Could it be said that apart from Shen Liangchuan, Song Yuanxi is the only one who knows what happened?

 But since Song Yuanxi left the Shen family, she couldn't contact her at all!

 She seemed to have evaporated and never appeared again.

Qiao Lian thought of this and lowered her head. What should I do? Who else should I ask to find out?

Just when she thought of this, she suddenly shouted!

 Last time, while having dinner with Xia Nuannuan’s parents, Mei Feng seemed to have colluded with Song Yuanxi!

 Mei Feng!

Mei Feng knows the truth eight years ago.

Thinking of this, her eyes lit up and she immediately picked up her phone and called Xia Nuannuan.

 But when the phone was dialed, it rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Qiao Lian was stunned and dialed again.


 The phone was vibrating on the red sheets, but there was no one in the bright room.

At this moment, Xia Nuannuan was in the living room, being directed by Mei Feng to work.

 Shen Zihao went to the company today and officially started contacting the Shen Family Group.

 Mei Feng and Xia Nuannuan are the only two people left in the house.

Mei Feng pointed to the clothes in the dirty clothes basket and said to Xia Nuannuan: "Nuannuan, these are Zihao's clothes and cannot be machine washed. Before you were married, I washed them. Can you help Zihao wash his hands now?"

 Hand wash?

Shen Zihao likes to be clean, and basically changes into two sets of clothes a day, and it’s winter.

Let’s not talk about those woolen sweaters, let’s talk about the coats worn outside... seven pieces in total. How long will she have to wash them?

 (End of this chapter)

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