After Secretly Marrying the Actor, She Became Wild

Chapter 874: The truth eight years ago! (twenty four)

 Chapter 874 The truth eight years ago! (twenty four)

 Qiao Lian was alone, walking quietly on the street.

 She didn't know what to do.

 Leaving Shenliangchuan?

How can this be.

She took a deep breath, abandoned the messy thoughts in her mind, and strode forward.

Just after taking two steps, the phone suddenly rang.

She answered, and Song Cheng's anxious voice came from the other side, "Sister Qiao, Brother Shen has been in a car accident and is in the hospital. Come here quickly!"

Qiao Lian's hand shook and her phone almost fell to the ground.


  In the hospital.

Shen Liangchuan lay quietly on the hospital bed, resting with his eyes closed.

 One leg was bandaged and fixed to the bed, unable to move.

Xia Yehua frowned at the side, his eyes were red, and his eyes were filled with nervousness and concern: "What's going on? Either he fainted or he was in a car accident. What happened to Shen Liangchuan recently?"

Song Cheng also scratched his head, "I don't know."

Xia Yehua: "Did something happen in the company? Did you encounter any difficulties?"

Song Cheng even wanted to cry, "Ever since that real estate project in Suzhou years ago, Brother Shen has had a unique vision. In recent times, all aspects of investment have been very good, and everyone trusts his vision. There is really no If you encounter any difficulties, you’re just a little tired.”

Xia Yehua sighed, "What happened this year?"

 Qiao Lian listened to the conversation between the two people and remained silent, staring at the man in the ward with her eyes.

 His face was very pale, as if there was no trace of blood.

 People who were originally healthy have become extremely thin in recent times.

 However, even with his eyes closed, his brows were frowning.

 It's like there's something difficult that he can't let go of.

Xia Yehua frowned and looked at Song Cheng, "What happened in the car accident?"

This car accident was actually not serious because the driver's emergency braking caused Shen Liangchuan to injure his leg.

Song Cheng was about to cry, "I don't know either. We got off work and when we got to the underground parking lot, I went to pick up the car. Brother Shen was waiting in the parking lot. When I drove over, I found that Brother Shen had been hit by someone! "

Xia Yehua frowned, "Where is the driver who caused the accident? Did he escape?"

Song Cheng shook his head, "No, driver, the driver is a staff member of our company..."

After saying this, someone came over and looked at Song Cheng nervously, "Song, Brother Song, Actor Shen, is Actor Shen okay?"

Song Cheng pointed at him, "He is the driver."

After saying this, Qiao Lian and Xia Yehua both looked at that person.

The man immediately became nervous and looked like he wanted to cry. "I really didn't mean it, and I didn't violate the rules. I was reversing and trying to drive out. Isn't the light in the underground parking lot a little dark? I don't know. Why, Actor Shen suddenly rushed over, he rushed too suddenly..."

Shen Liangchuan's life was not in danger, but he was so frightened that he could not speak intermittently.

Qiao Lian couldn't bear to blame him.

 Just didn’t speak at all.

Song Cheng said: "Okay, Xiao Tang, who is at fault for this matter? You will know after watching the video soon. Don't be anxious, I won't accuse you unjustly..."

Xiao Tang nodded, lowering his head dejectedly.

After a while, Song Cheng's cell phone vibrated. He looked down and found that a video had been transmitted.

Song Cheng immediately frowned and said, "The video of the car accident scene has been sent over!"

 (End of this chapter)

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