Chapter 883 It’s not her... (4)

  When the matter involved Xia Nuannuan, everyone's eyes dimmed.

Mei Feng's voice suddenly weakened, "What nonsense are you talking about? How could the young lady take the money?"

The nanny said directly, "Why not? The young lady's family is also very poor! If it is really as much money as the madam said, why is she not greedy for it?"

Xia Nuannuan clenched her fists when she heard this.

  The family is poor... and yet someone accuses me of it like this.

She only felt her cheeks burning.

The nanny was afraid of being caught and taken to the police station, so she stood up and said, "I am willing to let my wife ask someone to search my room and my body, and I will prove that I did not steal any money!"

Mei Feng heard this and glanced at Shen Xiu.

 Shen Xiu's suspicious eyes had already fallen on Xia Nuannuan.

Xia Nuannuan bit her lip and looked at Shen Xiu, "Dad, I don't have one."

Shen Xiu frowned and spoke after a while, "Find a few people and search the nanny's room!"

After saying this, the housekeeper immediately ordered a few people and entered the nanny's room together.

 Five minutes later, several people came out.

 The housekeeper glanced at Xia Nuannuan, shook his head and said, "We didn't find it."

The nanny suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground. She cried and said, "It's really not me!"

 At this point, she suddenly turned her head and looked at Xia Nuannuan, "Young Mistress, why did you steal Madam's money and almost implicate me!"

As soon as these words came out, Mei Feng immediately scolded her, "What are you talking about? How could the young lady steal money! Even if it is... I gave it to her!"

This obvious move to protect Xia Nuannuan made the nannies around her look thoughtful.

Everyone looked at Xia Nuannuan as if they were looking at a thief, which made people particularly uncomfortable.

Xia Nuannuan looked solemn. She looked at Mei Feng and Shen Xiu: "Dad, Aunt Mei, I have always been aboveboard in my work. I didn't take any money."

Mei Feng said, "Yes, I asked Nuannuan to go to the room and gave her Zihao's pocket money. She couldn't have stolen it."

But the nanny was reluctant. She knew that if the murderer was not caught today, she would still be a suspect and might be expelled from the Shen family!

Of course, the salary given by the Shen family is not comparable to other places! Moreover, she feels very fulfilled living in such a house, so how can she leave?

Therefore, the nanny asked directly and aggressively: "Madam, were you with the young mistress the whole time? Did you watch the young mistress go in and watch the young mistress come out the whole time?"

When Mei Feng heard this, she was obviously stunned. She frowned as if she had thought of something, and looked at Xia Nuannuan. Then she coughed, obviously trying to cover up something, "Yes, that's right. …”

 But her look immediately made Shen Xiu frown, "Tell the truth!"

Mei Feng poked Shen Xiu, "Forget it, isn't it just about fifty thousand yuan? Stop checking..."



 Shen Xiu and Xia Nuannuan spoke at the same time and said this.

 Then, Shen Xiu looked at Xia Nuannuan with deep meaning in his eyes, "This matter must be investigated clearly. Our Shen family cannot have a daughter-in-law with unclean hands and feet!"

 Speaking of this, he looked directly at the housekeeper and ordered in a tone that left no room for doubt: "Go search the young mistress's room!"

 (End of this chapter)

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