Chapter 885 It’s not her... (6)

Xia Nuannuan stared at the housekeeper in surprise.

 She frowned, wondering how the money had ended up in her room.

 She definitely didn’t get the money.

Her room is not accessible to ordinary people.

So now, what's going on?

 She was thinking when she suddenly met Shen Zihao's eyes.

Xia Nuannuan's heart immediately felt a sudden shock.

 Shen Zihao's eyes...are he doubting her?

 How could he doubt her? !

Xia Nuannuan felt that his eyes were like a sharp knife, piercing her heart, making her clenched her fist tightly.

 Shen Xiu doubted her, she just felt humiliated.

Mei Feng slandered her, and she just felt ashamed.

But Shen Zihao's suspicious eyes made her heart hurt.

She looked at them blankly and heard Shen Zihao ask, "Where did the money come from?"

  The housekeeper lowered his head and said, "Don't you have a suitcase, Madam? The money is in her suitcase."

 The money is in the suitcase…

 How could the money be in the suitcase?

Xia Nuannuan gritted her teeth.

But Shen Xiu had already looked at her and cursed: "You are really a person from a small family with no tutor! You can even do things like stealing! Do our Shen family lack your food or clothing?" ?”

When Xia Nuannuan heard this, she looked directly at Shen Xiu.

She stood there softly and weakly, with a pair of watery eyes filled with a stubbornness that others could not understand at this moment. She slowly said, "Dad, you are right. The Shen family does not lack food for me and clothing for me. There is no need for me, so why should I steal money?”

Shen Xiu choked.

 That’s right, why did Xia Nuannuan steal money?

After saying these words, Mei Feng next to her had already sighed deeply, "Let me be fair. In fact, I have known for a long time that the life of my in-laws is not very good. In order for Nuan Nuan to marry into our family, they gave up their family members. The house has been sold, and I still owe tens of thousands of dollars in foreign debt... But Nuannuan, if you tell me these things, your family will help anyway, after all, you are your in-laws! "

 One sentence made everyone in the room suddenly realize it!

Sold the house just to marry his daughter into a wealthy family. What kind of good family can this kind of family be?

 All the nannies in the room looked at Xia Nuannuan and their eyes changed in an instant.

Xia Nuannuan looked at Mei Feng steadily.

 She felt as if her whole body had been stripped naked and was being watched by the people around her.

The pride hidden deepest in the heart was shattered at this moment.

She turned her head and looked at Shen Xiu, and saw deep contempt for herself in Shen Xiu's eyes.

 Finally, she looked at Shen Zihao and saw him frowning.

Xia Nuannuan bit her lip tightly, "Our family is poor, but I won't steal money! This money..."

 “I gave it to her.”

 One sentence came out of Shen Zihao's mouth in an understatement.

Xia Nuannuan was stunned.

Mei Feng was stunned.

Shen Xiu was even more stunned.

Shen Zihao suddenly smiled, "I gave it to her. What's wrong? Aunt Mei, this fifty thousand is not your fifty thousand, this is what I gave to Xia Nuannuan."

 “Xia Nuannuan is not a thief.”

Shen Zihao suddenly stretched out his hand and touched Xia Nuannuan's waist, "This is the Shen family's money. Xia Nuannuan is my wife, and this money belongs to her!"

 One sentence, said loud and clear.

  But with a kind of oath authority.

Mei Feng was stunned by what he said, with a trace of jealousy flashing in her eyes.

This Xia Nuannuan, why can she still be protected by Shen Zihao at this stage?

 (End of this chapter)

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