Chapter 891 It’s not her... (12)

Shen Xiu was choked by these words, "That's not what I meant."

Then he looked at Shen Zihao, and his eyes fell behind him: "What, are you chasing me back?"

He sneered, "Do you think that face can be restored by making a fuss? Let me tell you, our Shen family is not into this kind of thing! Weeping, making trouble, and hanging ourselves, ha!"

After saying this sarcastically, he looked behind Shen Zihao. However, there was nothing behind Shen Zihao, and no one followed him.

Shen Xiu was stunned, "Where is Xia Nuannuan?"

 Shen Zihao no longer knew what to say.

 He just stood there, looking at Shen Xiu intently.

 Then he turned to look at the nannies around him again.

Those people all lowered their heads, but their eyes looked at him with pity, and some people showed contempt when they heard Shen Xiu mention the word Xia Nuannuan.

 The group of people who work as nannies in their home have a monthly income of over 10,000 yuan.

 So 50,000 yuan is really nothing to them.

 At this moment, this group of people must be despising Xia Nuannuan in their hearts.

 He finally understood what Xia Nuannuan's words meant...

Shen Zihao felt angry inexplicably. He raised his head and wanted to say something, but after meeting Mei Feng's concerned eyes, he paused and swallowed.

 After a while, he said: "Oh, she will come home in a few days."

After Shen Zihao said this, he glanced at Shen Xiu and said, "Dad, Aunt Mei, it's so late, you should go and have a rest."

 When Shen Xiu heard this, he frowned.

 After a while, he slowly said, "Yeah."

 Then he followed Mei Feng upstairs.

 The people around him began to disperse one by one.

The steward turned around and was about to leave when he suddenly heard Shen Zihao's voice, "Steward."

 The housekeeper stopped.

Shen Zihao looked at him and said, "I want the videos of all the places in my house today."

When the housekeeper heard this, he was slightly startled, "Ah? Young Master?"

He felt that he had heard something wrong, right?

 But Shen Zihao looked calm and said, "Send it to my study."

 The butler immediately said respectfully: "Okay, Master."

 Five minutes later, the video was sent to Shen Zihao's room.

He watched all the videos from when 50,000 yuan was stolen to when it was found in Xia Nuannuan's suitcase.

 Xia Nuannuan did not take any money.

 It is almost certain now.

 If not, she wouldn't be so angry.

 But he carefully watched the video on the second floor several times and found nothing out of the ordinary.


Those videos have not been processed. They are obviously the original ones, not modified.

This incidates that…

 After 50,000 yuan was lost, no one except Xia Nuannuan had entered their master bedroom!

 But the money was eventually found in the master bedroom...

 Looking seriously, it is almost certain that Xia Nuannuan stole the money!

 So...what went wrong?

That 50,000 yuan couldn't have grown legs on its own and ended up in Xia Nuannuan's suitcase, right?

Shen Zihao frowned and stared at the video on the computer.

 The whole person fell into deep contemplation.

 A few hours ago, he relied on this conjecture to think that the money belonged to Xia Nuannuan, and now...

Shen Zihao suddenly thought of something, and his eyes suddenly lit up!

 (End of this chapter)

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