Chapter 895 It’s not her... (16)

Shen Zihao seemed to have had all his strength drained from his body. He stood there with his eyes wide open, staring at the two people in front of him in astonishment.

 He felt like his nervous heart was about to beat out!

He remained silent and listened carefully to the words of the two people in front of him.

The housekeeper said: "Madam, the young master has discovered something! I don't know what happened, but the young master suddenly began to doubt this matter."

Hearing this, Mei Feng frowned, "What happened? Did you reveal something?"

The housekeeper immediately lowered his head, "No, I promise not, but the young master suddenly started to interfere in this matter. I think the young master has already thought of the truth of what happened."

Mei Feng took a deep breath and said after a while: "This matter is not easy to handle. You go and say hello to Xiaobao. If you can't, let him handle the matter. I will take care of his family members." take care of."

 The butler nodded immediately.

Mei Feng frowned, and then slowly spoke after a while, "No matter what, Zihao cannot be suspicious of me, do you understand?"

 The steward nodded, "Yes."

Meifeng then turned around and said, "Okay, you can go back."

 The butler turned and left.

Meifeng, who was wearing only thin clothes, stood on the balcony and watched for a while, then sighed deeply, turned around and wanted to leave.

 But when she turned around, she suddenly saw a figure in front of her, staring at her quietly!

Mei Feng was startled and subconsciously shouted: "Who?"

That fierce voice was completely different from when he talked to Shen Zihao in the past.

 Shen Zihao was stunned.

 Looking blankly at the person in front of him.

There was no light on in the room, so the whole room was a little dark at the moment.

Only the cool moonlight came in, adding a bit of brightness to the room.

 Shen Zihao took a step forward.

 He looked at Mei Feng, and then slowly said: "It's me."

The moment Mei Feng heard his voice, her whole person suddenly changed. She was surprised and stunned and said: "Zi, Zihao?"

Her eyes widened and she couldn't believe the person she saw.

When Shen Zihao walked out of the darkness into the moonlight, she realized that it was Shen Zihao.

But the night was too dark, and she could not clearly see the expression on his face. Thinking of what had just happened...she took a chance and said, "Zihao, it's so late, why aren't you sleeping? And why are you here?"

 I hope Shen Zihao didn't hear the conversation she had with the housekeeper just now.

 However, things backfired.

Shen Zihao suddenly looked at her intently, "Aunt Mei, I heard everything you said to the housekeeper just now."

Mei Feng froze and stood on the spot.

She opened her mouth in shock, wanting to say something, but she didn't know how to explain it. She could only step forward anxiously and grabbed Shen Zihao's arm, "Zihao, you, listen to my explanation. "

Shen Zihao just stood there, looking at her intently, "I happen to be here too. I really want to hear your explanation. Let's go to the study room."


 In the study.

 Shen Zihao sat opposite Mei Feng, his vision became misty and blurred.

 It seemed that everything that happened tonight was like a dream, which made him unable to recover.

Shen Zihao thought about various possibilities of the 50,000 yuan, but he never doubted that Mei Feng actually gave away the 50,000 yuan.

 At this moment, he was really stunned.

 (End of this chapter)

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