Yes, why should I doubt my parents and family?

Forget it about the Fang family, but the Chen family, whether they trust me or not, at least they haven’t hurt me so far!

Isn't it normal to be taken advantage of?

Even if the third uncle, the fifth uncle, well, and that boy Chen Xiaolong, what if he wants to hide it from himself?

They are abroad, and they can build a manor abroad, as long as they have money!

In China, my father is the boss of the Chen family!

What about the Sheng family?

What about the Huo family, the Zhao family, the Fang family, and even senior officials?

Chen Pingan smiled at Liu Qing, "My mother still loves me, where is Huihui?"

He looked at the place next to him. Huihui didn't go home?

This is not normal!

Liu Qing smiled and said, "Well, Huihui said there is an event at school and she won't be back for dinner at night."

Chen Pingan glanced at his expressionless father and asked, "How many people are protecting Huihui?"

Chen Shaohua glared at him, "My daughter, of course, is in more than one group.

There are at least eight people taking turns following her, so it's okay, don't worry. "

Glancing at Liu Qing, he added: "Even if it's because of you, she won't be in danger.

I have made it known that if something happens to Huihui, she will fight to the death! There is no room for remission.

Moreover, there are people arranged by Butler Zhao beside her. "

Butler Zhao, that old man next to the old man?

Chen Ping'an didn't intend to hide it from his mother, so he took the initiative to serve the rice and said:

"Mom, have you heard about me? People say that I made tens of billions for the Chen family in one go. Many people are looking for me now."

Liu Qing glanced at Chen Shaohua, and then said calmly: "I know."

Chen Pingan was surprised, "Mom, aren't you worried that I will be kidnapped and used as a money-making machine?"

Liu Qing comforted him: "Don't talk nonsense, your dad won't let this happen.

I know you must have thought about various possibilities, don't think so much.

There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the soldiers will stop it. If someone really wants to do something, your father will still be alive! "

After saying this, Chen Shaohua coughed several times.

Chen Pingan handed the rice to his father and continued to serve it.

“I once thought about opening a fund company, but then gave up.

Now I just want to live peacefully and steadily. I already have enough money, so I can just earn more when needed. There is no need to live such a stressful life. "

Chen Shaohua said: "Roasted Chicken and Ah Qi told me that they want to leave the Chen family and are only responsible for you. They will no longer participate in other matters of the Chen family. I have already agreed.

Also, whoever you like can be taken away. The Chen family does not lack these bodyguards, but you should need them.

Your grandfather also agreed to this. "

Liu Qing then said: "Your father and I won't get too involved in your affairs. No matter what you want to do, just do it yourself.

If anything happens, your dad will help you sort it out. "

Chen Shaohua nodded, "Just like in the past."

Chen Pingan knew that his father was talking about Fang Hongjun, "What if I want to start my own business?"

Liu Qing was shocked, "Self-established? Ping An, you want to leave the Chen family?"

She had never thought that Chen Ping'an would have the idea of ​​returning to the Fang family. The main reason was that he had only been back for less than a year. If the child went out again, what if he was bullied?

She looked at her husband and Chen Shaohua said: "What you call self-reliance does not exist in itself.

When you grow up, you should be independent and do whatever you want, but there is no need to leave the Chen family.

When something happens, I will have no excuse to help you. "

Chen Pingan laughed and said, "Okay."

Chen Shuhui had not returned until after 9:30 in the evening, and Chen Pingan's phone rang again.

"Master, something happened." The voice of roasting chicken came. "The other party has discovered us. It is impossible to follow them back to their hometown. There was a fight before."

Chen Pingan was stunned for a moment before asking: "Are you all okay?"

"It's okay, there are many of us." Roast Chicken said, "Now we have tied up the people and brought them to Jincheng."

Chen Ping'an thought to himself, I'm afraid this matter cannot be resolved peacefully.

"You guys find a place to stay. I'll set out to find you now. I'll call you when I get there. Do you need me to bring you anything?"

"No need. Master, please remember to bring a few people to protect you. These people on the other side are quite skilled!"

Roast Chicken is no longer as careless as it was in the past, and his tone of voice is very serious.

It seems that everyone knows that things are a bit big...

After hanging up the phone, Chen Pingan sat on the chair and thought for a while, and decided to handle the matter himself. As long as his father didn't know, there would be room for improvement in the future.

It was already close to 12 o'clock in the night when we arrived in Jincheng.

Chen Pingan met Roast Chicken and others in a small abandoned factory.

"Where's the person?" he asked as soon as they met.

Chen Pingan took out his mobile phone and transferred 200,000 yuan to Roast Chicken.

"Everyone has 20,000, please help me share it. Where is the other person's car?"

"Abandoned to the suburbs of Beijing." Roast Chicken explained, "They thought we only had two cars, but they didn't expect there were so many of us..."

Chen Pingan said quickly: "Have you asked them one by one?"

Ah Qi said: "Not yet. Wait another two hours and then take him to the beach for questioning."

"What happens after you ask?" Roast Chicken asked.

Chen Pingan was silent for a long time before shaking his head and saying, "Brother Ji, Brother Qi, you stay, and the others go out first."

After everyone went out, Chen Pingan sighed and said, "I know you told my dad that you would follow me.

It's just that following me may be more dangerous. Are you still willing to follow?"

Shaoji and Ah Qi nodded silently and said nothing.

Chen Pingan continued, "I have two choices for these people.

One is to let them go after asking them clearly, not to cause trouble for the people behind the scenes, and then settle abroad.

The other is to sink after asking them clearly and make trouble!

Do you have any suggestions?"

Ah Qi asked, "If you settle abroad, will Cooper go with you? Is there enough power abroad to protect you?"

"Don't worry about this, just tell me what you think." Chen Pingan lit a cigar and took a puff.

Shaoji said in a deep voice, "Master, you can't be soft on such people, otherwise people will think you are weak, and it will definitely happen again in the future."

Ah Qi just nodded in agreement and said nothing.

Chen Pingan took a deep breath and said, "That's it. Take them away now and ask them separately. I'll wait for your results here.

After asking, let all the brothers participate, and ask who is willing to follow me. I can't guarantee anything except giving a lot of money."

Shaoji and Ah Qi agreed, got up, opened the door and walked out.

Chen Pingan stood for a while, took out his mobile phone and called Edwards.

The phone was connected when it rang for the third time.

Edwards said in a gentle voice: "Boss, calling me so late must be something wrong, right?"

Chen Pingan had never contacted him so late, unless the two were together.

Chen Pingan said, "Edwards, go abroad tomorrow and buy me two small manors with land in Europe. They don't need to be too big, but there must be no obstructions around them.

There is only one requirement, it must be completely independent private land, and the network conditions must be very good.

Leave tomorrow, get this done as soon as possible, and call me when you are done.

Also, I will transfer the money to you the day after tomorrow."

Edwards listened quietly and said only one sentence, "I will book the tickets now."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Pingan smoked the cigar in silence and put away all the cigarette butts.

Just think of it as buying it in advance!

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