After severing ties, biological parents and family regretted

Chapter 43 I have raised a child for his mistress for eighteen years, brother...

Go back to a few days ago.

Magic City.

Vice Minister of Commerce Zhao Yuankai declined all invitations tonight. Their only sister Zhao Wei came to see him with her two nieces.

There has been no frequent contact over the years.

When Zhao Wei married Fang Junhong, he was just a junior major, and this junior major was helped by his family.

At the moment, he's not exactly a magician, but he's pretty close.

As long as you don't make mistakes, you can basically see the situation in the next few years.

Now he has reached the top and is waiting to be transferred to other provinces.

His wife, Tang Yan, is the daughter of a local wealthy family. He was lucky enough to meet her at the University of Finance and Economics in Shanghai, and he had no idea about Tang Yan's family background at the time.

It wasn't until the two fell in love that they each revealed their family backgrounds.

It's funny to say that at that time, the two of them almost unanimously said that they were ordinary people...

Both of their children are abroad. One of the couple is working hard to make progress, while the other is focused on running his own chain of beauty salons. They have money and power, so their life should not be too comfortable.

Zhao Wei didn't say much on the phone, which made him think less.

After he arranged for his secretary to take him home, he discovered that Zhao Wei's eyes were red and swollen.

Tang Yan is on a business trip and not in the Magic City, which saves the need for a meeting.

Tang Yan looked down on a vase like Zhao Wei, who was cowardly and extremely easily satisfied, so the two lost contact not long after they met.

"Where are Qingyan and the others?"

Zhao Yuankai asked when he saw Zhao Wei alone.

Zhao Wei shook her head and said, "They went to the hotel, don't worry about them."

Zhao Yuankai stared at her eyes, it was obvious that he had looked like this for a long time.

He nodded calmly, "Okay, come in first."

Zhao Yuankai did not have a nanny or any servants at home.

The couple did everything themselves, or just ate outside.

Tang Yan was away and he had no time to cook, so the brother and sister sat in the living room.

"Can we talk now?" Zhao Yuankai poured a cup of tea and placed it in front of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei couldn't help but started to shed tears again.

"Brother, that beast Fang Junhong lied to me for eighteen years.

Hong Jun is the child he brought back. I raised him as my own son. Only now do I know that Hong Jun is actually the son of that bitch Fang Junhong and Qin Bailian.

Brother, I have raised a child for his mistress for eighteen years..."

Zhao Yuankai was completely stunned by these words.

Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei, how stupid are you to be hidden from others for eighteen years?

He couldn't even control the expression on his face.

After Zhao Wei took out the appraisal report from her bag, Zhao Yuankai was indeed a little angry.

Although Zhao Wei is stupid, she is still a member of the Zhao family.

Neither of her brothers had ever bullied her, so how could it be Fang's family's turn to bully her?

Looking at the appraisal report placed in front of him, Zhao Yuankai picked it up and read it again, then put it down lightly.

"What result do you want?"

He asked without missing a beat, "Tell me what you think. If it works, I'll tell my brother.

Let the eldest brother go directly to Shang's old house and ask their old man Fang. "

Zhao Wei was still crying, but after hearing this, her face immediately became fierce.

"I want Qin Bailian to take that evil bastard to death with him!"

The way she gritted her teeth made Zhao Yuankai feel a little toothache.

"what are you thinking about?

We are a country ruled by law, and even though the child is illegitimate, he can still inherit the family property.

If you want someone to die, how do you want them to die?

My eldest brother and I went to kill people? "

Zhao Wei didn't say anything, she just cried silently, looking extremely pitiful.

Zhao Yuankai thought for a while and said: "In this case, you go back to the hotel and fly to the capital tomorrow.

I'll call my elder brother and tell him about this.

It is impossible for you to want the mother and child to die. The most you can do is drive them out of the country.

The other thing is to give you some compensation, and then the family will give you some, I guess that's about it. "

Zhao Wei cried and talked for a while, which gave Zhao Yuankai a headache.

Speaking of which, it was Zhao Wei who was stupid and he didn't have much sympathy.

The only thing that comes to mind is how much benefit this matter can bring to himself and the Zhao family.

If it were the eldest brother, he would probably only meet Zhao Wei once and leave her alone after figuring out all the things and evidence.

I am fifty years old, and my life is like this. Who is to blame?

If you want to blame the family, that is absolutely not possible.

After Zhao Wei left, Zhao Yuankai immediately called his elder brother Zhao Yuanlong.

This matter is over with him.

Zhao Wei was still hungry when she returned to the hotel.

The comfort Zhao Yuankai gave her was equivalent to nothing, and it made her very dissatisfied.

How could this be the case? He was so businesslike towards his sister, which really made her a little angry.

But the second brother had been in a high position for a long time, and his aura prevented her from being too presumptuous.

It's true that she came to ask for help, but there was no need to dismiss it so perfunctorily.

Fang Qingyan was in her room, looking at the information in her e-mail.

There are not many photos, only photos of Fang Junhong, Qin Bailian and Fang Hongjun walking into Century Garden Villa together.

There are also photos of them walking out and getting into the car.

What made Fang Qingyan angry was that they actually stayed at Qin Bailian's place for the night, including Fang Hongjun.

What else could this mean?

It shows that Fang Hongjun knows very well who his biological parents are.

Looking at the photos on her phone, Fang Qingyan looked ugly, but she didn't say anything to Fang Zhidie.

What really made her angry were what her father Fang Junhong said.

After listening to it once, she went to Fang Zhidie's room.

"Listen to yourself and hear who you think the well-behaved and sensible brother Hongjun is!"

Fang Zhidie looked unruly, but after hearing this, her expression changed.

"How could brother Hongjun be like this?

This, eldest sister, didn’t you ask someone to edit it? "

Fang Qingyan wanted to slap her and snatched her phone away, "Believe it or not. I'm too lazy to say anything more to you.

I warn you, if you dare to contact Fang Hongjun privately, you will not get a penny from your family.

At the law firm, don’t even think about going to work again.

I will notify Lawyer Gu to terminate the relationship with you.

Then you can figure out how to support yourself.

Or, follow your brother Hongjun and see if he can support you! "

When Zhao Wei came back, this was what she saw.

I have to say that in comparison, Fang Zhidie is the closest to Zhao Wei at home.

This time it was also arranged for her to share a room with her mother, but Fang Qingyan had always lived alone.

“Mom,” Fang Qingyan explained, “last night, my dad and Hong Jun went to Century Garden and stayed at Qin Bailian’s place for the night.

I have photos and recordings. "

Zhao Wei said angrily: "Send it to me and I will forward it to your second uncle!"

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