After the wedding, the two of them were very close.

"What did he say? I didn't pay attention at the time." Fang Qingyan encouraged.

"That was what he said to mom when he left. Sister, didn't you really pay attention?" Fang Jinglei looked at her in surprise, with a look of disbelief.

Fang Qingyan shook her head, "I was just angry at the time. What he did was equivalent to completely trampling on the face of the Fang family."

Fang Jinglei smiled bitterly and shook her head, "Forget it, let's not talk about that.

When he left, mom was hugging Hongjun to comfort him.

He said he wanted to give mom a kind suggestion, saying that Hongjun was mom's adopted son, but he was only mom's adopted son."

Fang Qingyan frowned and thought about it, her face changing.

Fang Jinglei didn't look at her anymore, but said directly: "After he left that day, I went to his room."

"That was the second time I went to his room. Sister, have you been to his room?"

Fang Qingyan shook her head and said: "No, I don't have time to care about these little things.

If he can't take care of his own room, it can only be said that his living ability is too poor."

Fang Jinglei said: "No, that's not what I mean.

There is only a bed, a table and a wardrobe in his room.

There is nothing else.

He doesn't even have his own bathroom.

That room is the servant's room..."

After a long sigh, she continued She continued:

"I don't know what happened. I went to his room that day and took a look.

After I looked, I realized that in this family, his and Hongjun's living conditions were completely different.

And all these were done unconsciously after I heard him say that sentence and felt that he had something behind his words."

"Sister," she looked at Fang Qingyan, "Do you think that we have been very bad to Ping An in the past few years?

No matter what he does, we look down on him?

I also said that he is a thief.

He doesn't even want the identity of the heir of the Fang family.

Will he steal our jewelry?"

What she remembered now was how she scolded Fang Ping An at the beginning.

Although she was not as harsh as her third sister Fang Zhidie, she didn't have anything good to say.

Thinking of that night when Fang Ping An asked them to ask Fang Hongjun or call the police directly, what was their reaction?

The third sister also used such ugly words to scold him...

She felt very uncomfortable and her nose was a little sour.

She didn't even have the mind to work these two days. She was thinking about this all day long.

Did Fang Hongjun really steal something and then say that Ping'an stole it?

She knew that except for the fourth sister who was not at home, everyone in the family had almost no rational trust in Fang Hongjun.

"Could it be that the feelings of living together for 18 years are far beyond rationality?"

She murmured to herself.

Fang Qingyan heard this sentence clearly.

"Jinglei, tell me, what exactly did Ping'an mean by that sentence that night?"

Fang Jinglei shook her head slightly, "I asked him at noon the next day, and he refused to tell me anything.

He just said that he had no other meaning, he just told mom that Hongjun was an adopted son.

But I always feel that it is wrong.

Hongjun is an adopted son, this is something everyone knows, there is no need to deliberately say it.

Why did he say that to mom specifically?

Moreover, he emphasized the words "only yours".

I think he has something else in his words, but I can't guess it."

She didn't say that she didn't dare to continue guessing.

According to her own interpretation, there are two meanings.

One is that Hongjun is an adopted son and is not a member of the Fang family at all.

The second is that Fang Hongjun is only the adopted son of his mother, but not necessarily the adopted son of his father.

The third is that Fang Hongjun is not the child of his parents, but is a child from the Fang family in Beijing, so he can be considered a relative.

The first is that Fang Hongjun, as everyone knows, is not a member of the Fang family.

The second is worth pondering.

If Fang Hongjun is not the adopted son of his father, there is only one possibility, that Hongjun is also the child of his father.

His father has someone outside, and it has been nearly 20 years.

The third, she has no ability to check at all.

His father came to Yuncheng to establish his own company, in fact, to help the Fang family in Beijing get involved in Yun Province.

His father's ability to do this is unquestionable.

But these are all her own guesses and cannot be confirmed.

She dared not say these ideas directly.

She needed someone to help her confirm this idea, to

Affirm this idea.

Fang Qingyan, who was sitting next to her, did not pay much attention to this sentence before.

After listening to Fang Jinglei's words, she also fell into thought.

"So you came to me to tell me this?" She thought and said, "This can be divided into two meanings.

One is that Hongjun is not a member of the Fang family, but adopted.

I remember that Hongjun was adopted by my father. At that time, my mother was very sad because she lost Pingan. Basically, she was a little confused all day long.

The other meaning is that Hongjun is just my mother's adopted son, but not necessarily my father's adopted son.

Do you think my analysis is correct?"

Fang Qingyan stared into Fang Jinglei's eyes and said.

Fang Jinglei lowered her head, "I don't know.

Pingan can so decisively take out the document of severing relations and be the first to sign it, which means that he has completely despaired of our Fang family.

Besides, he doesn't let me call myself sister..."

Her eyes were red, and she sniffed lightly to suppress the bitterness.

Fang Qingyan suddenly thought of what Gu Baibai said when she was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Have you ever thought about how your brother feels?"

"People who are capable of breaking off relations will not steal."

"If he just leaves like this, won't he never be able to steal again?

Anyone who really steals will never give up such a good opportunity."

Yes, if Ping An is really dirty, it will be difficult to change this problem in a short time.

But the mother doesn't care about anything.

The father directly determined that Ping An stole something.

He didn't even ask if Ping An was wronged.

It was the same for herself and her two sisters. Whatever Hong Jun said, that was it.

It seemed that there was no need to consider whether Hong Jun was lying.

This was indeed abnormal for Baibai to say.

But now Ping An is gone...

"How about we go ask Ping An tomorrow what he meant?" She tried to ask.

Fang Jinglei nodded.

"He probably doesn't want to see us now, sister, why don't you try to contact him tomorrow at noon.

Wait until he finishes class at 12 o'clock, no, call him after he finishes lunch?"

"I don't have any meetings to attend tomorrow afternoon. I'll arrange my time in the morning and call you later.

Should we go together to see him or should I go alone?"

Fang Qingyan originally didn't want Fang Jinglei to go with her, but she didn't expect her second sister to nod so straightforwardly.

"I want to go. And I really want to know if he really knows something and how he knows it?

Also, I want to apologize to him.

... In the past, I was too mean to him.

Whether he is willing to forgive me or not, I owe him an apology."

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