The two of them were so angry that they had to face each other.

Zhao Wei cried again.

After Fang Qingyan sent her the photos and audio files, she sent them to Fang Jinglei.

"Leilei, can you meet with Fang Pingan and let him listen to this recording?

It's best to let him remove us from the blacklist.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous if we can't find him when something happens in the future..."

Fang Jinglei received the file and started to get anxious after listening to it.

No matter what Fang Hongjun was going to do, at least Fang Junhong knew it.

This is what Fang Qingyan and Fang Jinglei felt most terrified about.

Two sons killed each other, and he actually supported one of them.

Does he really think this is a dynasty change to fight for the throne?

Not only infuriating, but also ridiculous!

So starting from the next day, Fang Jinglei went to Chen Shaohua's house and knocked on the door, but no one was home.

Fang Ping'an was learning to drive at the driving school at this time.

So she ran to Jiangnan Snack Bar to find Chen Shaohua and his wife to inquire about Ping'an's news.

Let alone what Zhao Wei and Zhao Yuankai thought, or whether the Zhao family in Beijing really went to the Fang family's old house, for Fang Ping'an, these had nothing to do with him.

He just released Fang Hongjun from the blacklist after talking to Fang Jinglei on the phone.

He really wanted to know if Fang Hongjun would attack him as he did in his previous life if he was prepared.


It has been three days, and Zhao Wei and the others have not returned home.

This made Fang Hongjun feel a little palpitating.

He called Fang Qingyan, and the answer he got was that she was still picking gifts and clothes in the Magic City.

The third sister, who was the easiest to control, also turned off her phone.

How could he know that it was Fang Qingyan who confiscated Fang Zhidie's phone, fearing that she would let the cat out of the bag.

According to Gu Baibai, Fang Zhidie was a good person at work.

But when she was at home, she was really outspoken and had a very bad temper.

Neither Zhao Wei nor the others planned to contact him now.

Only Fang Jinglei kept her phone on to ensure that she could receive Fang Ping'an's call.

So, when Fang Hongjun called her phone, Fang Jinglei took a long time to prepare before answering the call.

"Second sister, are you with mom and eldest sister?"

Fang Hongjun's voice was as gentle as ever, but Fang Jinglei felt a little scared when she heard it at this moment.

"Yeah, what's wrong? Is there anything?" Fang Hongjun asked, "Oh, nothing, it's just that the house is so empty all of a sudden, I'm not used to it." "Isn't Dad at home? We'll be back in a few days. You're the only one at home, help us take care of Dad, okay?" Fang Jinglei couldn't think of anything to say, so she could only follow his topic to deal with it. She didn't dare to say a word more. She carefully controlled her emotions, fearing that she would reveal a little bit. She knew very well how sensitive her brother Hongjun was. Fortunately, Fang Hongjun didn't talk for a long time and hung up the phone quickly. Fang Jinglei put down the phone, leaned on the sofa in the hotel and pinched her eyebrows. What she didn't know was that Fang Hongjun really called Fang Pingan at this moment. And it was on this morning that Fang Pingan released Fang Hongjun from the blacklist. When he received the call, Fang Pingan had just finished practicing driving and replaced a little girl in the car. He took out his phone while drinking water. Fang Hongjun?

Fang Pingan smiled.

Finally here!

"Hello?" He answered the phone.

"Brother Pingan, where are you?" Fang Hongjun's voice still sounded disgusting.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Fang Pingan would not tell him where he was, so he asked back.

Fang Hongjun stood in front of the French window in his room, watching the servants in the yard taking care of the flower garden.

"How did you do in the college entrance examination?"

Fang Pingan was stunned.

No way, didn't you hear about the provincial science champion when you went to school to get your transcript?

"Not bad, about the same as expected, how about you?"

Fang Pingan knew that this was all foreshadowing, and he really wanted to hear if Fang Hongjun wanted to ask him out.

"Me too. Brother Pingan, I'm going abroad in a few days..."

Fang Pingan said nothing.

"...Brother, I want to meet you and talk."

"Talk about what? What do you have to talk to me about?" Fang Ping'an's tone was a little cold.

Fang Hongjun smiled, "Brother Ping'an, I know

You don't like me.

However, your attitude doesn't matter to me.

Eighteen years, I have been with my mother for eighteen years, and you have only been here for four years.

No matter what, I am loved more by my mother and sisters..."

Fang Ping'an curled his lips, and listened to Fang Hongjun without saying a word.

He knew that it was possible that Fang Hongjun knew that his identity had been exposed, and he was playing tough with him here.

"You know, Fang Ping'an, from the first day you came home, I knew that you were no match for me anyway...

Even if you are my biological child, so what?

No one in the family likes you, not one.

Everyone hates you, including your biological mother, do you know why?"

Fang Ping'an calmly interrupted: "Did you do something bad in the middle?"

Fang Hongjun laughed a few times, "That's not the case, I can only plant a false accusation on you, say something bad and make a rumor or something.

Because even if the whole family doesn't need to stand on my side, you are still not my opponent.

I can handle it myself. "

Fang Pingan raised his eyebrows, took a sip of water, and looked at the young people who laughed because of the little girl's car jumping up and down when she started it.

"Oh? How are you going to deal with me?

I have nothing to do with the Fang family now, and I don't care about the Fang family.

Even if I had opinions about you in the past, now, it's unnecessary.

I'm living a good life now. "

Fang Hongjun turned back to his chair and put his feet up on the table.

He laughed.

"Forget it, you have completely lost your fighting spirit.

There's no point in tossing you around.

I think it's more fun to go there.

Seeing you like a dog, wagging your tail and begging for mercy, hoping that your family will pay more attention to you.

Now, I don't think it's interesting either.

If you have time, come out and sit together.

I'm going abroad in a while, and I don't think there will be any chance to meet again. "

Fang Pingan laughed, "What? Are you going out and not coming back?

Don't forget, the Fang family has so much property, I don't want it, do you also want it?

I remember that Mr. Fang Junhong and Ms. Zhao Wei have always wanted to train you to be the heir of the Fang family.

If you don't come back, who will get all the property?"

Fang Hongjun chuckled and said, "It's mine, you can't take it away.

It's not yours, no matter how hard you try, it's useless!"

Fang Pingan paused and replied, "Okay, where shall we meet? Give me a time and place, I will try to be there on time."

"Ten o'clock in the evening.

My parents and sisters are not coming back today.

You can relax a little.

Do you know the July Flower Bar?

I'll wait for you at the back door of the July Flower Bar at ten o'clock."

Fang Pingan smiled silently.

"I'm curious about what you want to say to me in person.

Ten o'clock, right? I will be there on time."

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