The old man was very angry.

Before getting his driver's license, Zhao Wei and her three sisters came to him several times, but he didn't respond at all.

The road was blocked, so he turned around and left.

At most, he could take a taxi.

When they came to the door, Chen Shaohua and Liu Qing were there, but he didn't get angry.

He just listened to what they wanted to say and then closed the door.

He didn't respond at all.

He felt that after reminding Fang Hongjun of his identity and putting that guy on the operating table, he evened out all the grievances, and even felt pretty good.

That was enough.

He didn't want to have anything to do with them anymore.

Several times, Chen Shaohua pulled Liu Qing to stop her from disturbing Fang Ping'an.

He insisted that he should solve the child's problem by himself, after all, Zhao Wei's family really lost a son.

That person was in their house, calling them mom and dad.

Fang Ping'an got his driver's license and practiced driving on the streets of Yuncheng for a week before he began to seriously consider how to spend the remaining month of this holiday.

He has a very bad habit of doing things.

Although he has the ability to remember everything, he doesn't like to do two or more things at the same time.

He is used to focusing on one thing and will not start the second thing until it is done.

2 million has been lying in his stock account for a long time without being touched.

And this little money will not even cause the smallest ripple in the market.

After his death in the previous life, he followed Fang Hongjun to see a lot of stocks.

Those were all operated by Fang Hongjun under his nose.

Not only that, he also followed Fang Hongjun, and was most familiar with the trend of stock index futures.

He remembered the trend of the market for a relatively long period of time very clearly.

As a person who just turned 18, although he had enough funds to open stock index futures trading, he still lacked certain trading experience.

He passed the test very easily.

The minimum requirement was 70 points, and he got 90 points.

He didn't think it was because of how good his mentality was or how deep his understanding of this thing was, it was completely due to his familiarity with the trend...

According to the requirements, he needed to complete at least 20 simulated transactions within 10 trading days, and he completed it within an hour.

He even continued to short the market index every day in the next 10 trading days.

When he really met the requirements to open trading qualifications, it was almost mid-August.

There was less than a month left before school started.

According to his idea, he would continue to trade after school started.

But at that time, he might switch to commodities.

It's hard to say anything else, but he remembered the trend of LD gold and the trend of the next fifteen years, which were all in his mind.

What else can make money faster than futures?

The lottery cannot be touched again. One big prize in a lifetime is enough.

He only used more than 200,000 yuan of 2 million yuan, and used one-tenth of the funds to short the stock index.

He sold more than 200,000 yuan of funds without blinking an eye.

According to memory, there will be no big fluctuations until at least November.

He is very relieved.

He has been to many places with Fang Hongjun in his previous life. He still has a month. In addition to traveling, he can't think of anything else to do.

Do it if you want to.

He doesn't plan to buy a car, but if he rents a car, it will only cost tens of thousands of yuan, which is not unaffordable.

"I can't comment on your current driving skills. I can only say that you are OK driving in the city now.

But if you go to the highway, I am still very worried about your ability to respond temporarily..."

Chen Shaohua said seriously.

Liu Qing shook his head to express his disagreement.

"Ping An, Mom supports you to travel and see the scenery in China. This is very beneficial to broaden your mind.

But you can definitely go by plane. If you really want to drive, why not rent a car after you get there?

It's really unsafe for you to drive long distances alone."

Even Chen Shuhui felt that it was unsafe to drive for such a long time alone.

Fang Ping An had no choice but to give up.

But he still had to go on a trip.

The problem was that Chen Shuhui also wanted to go.

It was useless for Liu Qing to scold her, the little girl was very stubborn.

"No, I want to go.

It's not that dangerous for me to be with my brother!

With my brother taking care of me, you don't have to worry at all."

In order to fight for the chance to travel with him, the little girl raised her voice a lot.

"Dad, Mom, I think it's okay.

It's okay for me to take care of her, and we won't go to places with few people.

Now the social security is so good, it should be safe."

Fang Ping'an spoke up for the little girl, and Chen Shaohua didn't say anything.

Although Liu Qing agreed, he was beaten by Chen Shuhui because of her previous improper attitude.

The girl didn't mind it at all.

As long as the goal can be achieved, the twists and turns in the process are not worth mentioning.

The two siblings stayed on the sofa for more than half an hour, and their opinions were not consistent at the beginning.

Fang Ping'an wanted to go to Beijing to walk around the Great Wall.

But the little girl only wanted to go to Shuzhong to taste the food, and nothing else seemed to matter.

"Brother, I don't have as much time as you, and I will start school at the end of August.

Just promise me to go to Shuzhong first, okay!"

The girl pulled his half-sleeved T-shirt, shaking it back and forth, with a look of desire.

What can Fang Ping'an say?

He won't start school until early September, and the girl will start school at the end of August, so the difference between their schedules is more than a week or nearly two weeks.

"Okay, let's go to Shuzhong first."

"Great! Brother, you're so nice. Hahaha, I can finally go out and eat a lot!" The little girl shouted excitedly.

"Although I don't have enough time, I know I can't eat all the delicacies in Shuzhong in half a month.

BUT, it doesn't matter, I'll go there every holiday and eat all the delicacies morning and night."

Fang Ping'an laughed directly.

"Okay, as long as you think you have enough time and your parents agree, you can go as many times as you like."

Chen Shuhui slapped him, "Brother, are you cursing me?

Of course my parents won't agree to let me go alone."

Fang Ping'an laughed, "Go check the flight, the day after tomorrow will be fine, I'm going to the police station tomorrow."



If it weren't for Fang Ping'an admitting that he did hit Fang Hongjun, Chen Shaohua would not agree to let the two of them go out for a trip.

But after that incident, he thought that this child seemed more mature than other children.

Originally, he wanted to find out the process of the incident and then go back to Beijing to ask his family for help to rescue Ping An.

Unexpectedly, although Fang Ping An could not prove himself, the police station did not have enough evidence.

He talked about this matter with Fang Ping An in private.

The most important and fortunate thing is that Fang Hongjun was in a coma for three days.

During the three days, the physical evidence had long been disposed of by the sanitation department.

So even if this case was filed, it was just the result of not filing a case due to insufficient evidence.

Fang Ping An reported that he was going out for a trip as required by the police station.

This request was actually a threat, for fear that this kid would really learn bad things.

After all, he is the provincial champion in science!

Going directly to school for further studies from home, at least it will reduce the chance of learning bad things, right?

Besides, the case hasn't been filed yet, but this kid is so honest and came to report...

Isn't he a very obedient and sensible child!

With such a pitiful life and experience, it's a good thing to go out and relax!

The director waved his hand, "Okay, go.

You don't have to tell us where you are going in the future.

The other party just called the police and didn't ask to file a case."

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