Chen Shaohua was stunned.

He just said it casually, how could it become true?

"... Shaojie, are you kidding?"

He stared at his third brother.

"Second brother, I'm sick... ALS!"

Chen Shaojie got up and opened a cabinet, took out a box of cigars, took out one and handed it to Chen Shaohua, and then took one himself.

The tools were on the table, and Chen Shaohua didn't hesitate to pick them up and started trimming the cigars.

"You should know that this disease cannot be cured, and there is no way to treat it until now..."

Chen Shaojie said with a relaxed look.

Chen Shaohua threw the cigar cutter to him, "When did you find out?"

"It happened a month ago." Chen Shaojie also began to trim the cigar.

"So you see, I used to be reluctant to smoke cigars, but now I only buy cigars that have been stored for a long time, and I buy more than ten boxes at a time."

"Second brother, in this life, I have no one to feel sorry for except Qi Yang.

If I don't enjoy it before I die, what else do I want?"

Chen Shaohua smoked the cigar silently until the mellow fragrance in his mouth entered his brain.

"Does Qi Yang know?"

"I didn't tell her, but by next year at most, this matter can't be concealed.

If she didn't stay abroad often, she would probably have known it."

Chen Shaojie lit the cigar and began to enjoy it slowly.

Chen Shaojie asked, "Why don't you seem to be afraid at all?"

"Yes, but what's the use of being afraid?

I wanted to contact you last month to ask you and your second sister-in-law to come back.

But this matter still needs our father's approval.

In addition, I haven't told my eldest brother and fourth sister yet.

This matter should be kept secret for a while. When you can take over smoothly, I will completely withdraw.

When that time comes, I will go to Europe with Qi Yang and come back before I die.

After all, we have to return to our roots."

Chen Shaojie looked resigned to his fate, which made Chen Shaohua feel a little uncomfortable.

"You can't hide this.

The Chen family has such a big business, can your son take over?"

Chen Shaojie smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Second brother, we haven't seen each other for more than ten years.

I know you are much better than me.

If it weren't for our father, you wouldn't have left the capital.

Dad has been retired for many years.

In this Chen family, I can't think of anyone else who can be the pillar of stability except you.

Moreover, if the Chen family falls, the eldest brother and the fourth sister will be implicated.

This is..."

"One hair moves the whole body?" Chen Shaohua asked, "Didn't you train a successor for so many years?

Such a big Chen family, there is no one?"

The expression on his face was a little angry.

Chen Shaojie laughed, "My eldest brother is in a high position now.

His children are either abroad or in the same career path as him.

My fourth sister is also in the career path, and her husband is a soldier, so their children are not suitable.

The only candidates are your children and mine."

Chen Shaohua exhaled a puff of smoke, stared at the smoke slowly dissipating under the light, and said slowly:

"I can help you train your five children.

Choose one when the time comes.

What do you think?"

He knew his brother's temperament.

He also knew that if there was no choice, he would not have said this.

If I didn't happen to come to Beijing, I guess he would have waited a while before contacting me.

Chen Shuhui was still young, so she could only choose from him or his nephew.

"When will your eldest come back?" he asked.

Chen Shaojie shook his head, "Unless I tell him I'm dying, he probably won't come back.

Last time he told me he wanted to become a citizen, I was so angry."

Chen Shaohua sighed, thought for a while and then asked, "If Xiaozheng doesn't come back, what about your second son? Is he in the third year of high school or college?"

"Sophomore, at Beijing University.

He's in the same school as Ping'an, but he also wants to study abroad. I guess I'll be dead when they finish their studies and come back.

So, someone must fill the gap in between.

Second brother... come back.

If the Chen family falls, it will affect the fate of dozens or hundreds of people, second brother!"

Chen Shaohua is really having a headache now.

He doesn't want to go back to Beijing.

Life in Yuncheng is so simple!

Although it's a bit busy, at least it's very happy.

Simple and happy.

This is the life he wanted!

But now that his third brother has had such an incident, he is a little hesitant about whether to come back.

"I can't promise you now!

If you really have that disease, I can come back to help you train a successor.

But I can't do it myself.

I don't like life in Beijing, I don't like anything."

Chen Shaojie waved his hand, "Don't worry, second brother. There's no rush for this."

He smiled bitterly, "There's no use in rushing.

So far, few people with ALS have survived for more than five years.

Except for Mr. Hawking, who is famous, there shouldn't be many cases.

I just came back from Country M last week, and now there's basically nothing I can do."

Chen Shaohua looked up at him, "Then you didn't see Xiao Zheng?

Just happened to be in Country M, you should have told him..."

Chen Shaojie sighed, "Second brother, Xiao Zheng is not interested in managing the family business.

He just wants to be an architectural designer. This is his dream since he was a child.

Anyway, our family is different from other families. Whoever has the ability will do it.

The Chen family is not the property of any one person, but of all the Chen family members..."

Chen Shaohua raised his hand to stop him from continuing to speak.

"I don't know much about ALS, I just know that it's incurable.

I suggest you tell Qi Yang, you'll have to tell this sooner or later.

Besides not telling others and the people below, you should still tell everyone in the family.

Otherwise, there might be trouble."

Chen Shaojie said, "I've thought about it.

You're the first one to know about this.

Tomorrow I'll go back to the old house with you and tell Dad.

Then you, your sister-in-law, and Huihui, the child, should all come back.

After so many years, do you think Dad feels good?

He just can't let go of his pride.

After all, you should be the head of the family, not a waste like me."

Chen Shaohua glanced at him He said with one glance: "Stop talking nonsense.

Although I haven't been to Beijing for 20 years, at least I know about the Chen family.

If I were here, I wouldn't be able to do as well as you in the past 20 years."

"It's a pity that you didn't come back every time I asked you to come back in the past 20 years.

Do you still have a problem with Dad?

He's over 70!"

"That's not the case. I'm very happy in Yuncheng.

Life is simple, there are not so many relationships to consider, no need to worry about stock prices, and even no need to go to social events.

Qingqing, Ping'an, and my daughter are living a very smooth life."

Thinking of Liu Qing and Chen Shuhui, a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

Chen Shaojie laughed, "That's perfect.

I've worked hard for this family for twenty years, but you've lived a happy life for twenty years.

Now you should give something for this family!"

He slapped the table, "Tomorrow I'll tell Dad that you two should reconcile, and then you'll have a year to control the Chen family!

Give me two years to go out and have a look, go shopping, and have a few days of comfort..."

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