The two of them were so busy that they had to work together.

Qi Yang took Fang Pingan to stroll around the huge courtyard slowly.

"Pingan, can you tell me how your leg got injured?"

Fang Pingan really couldn't refuse such a kind elder, so he said that he wanted to buy KFC and milk tea for his sister that day...

It was just a few words.

Qi Yang was wearing a formal suit today, trousers and a suit, and carrying a small handbag in her hand.

She took him slowly forward, taking care of Fang Pingan who was not so convenient to move with crutches.

This made Fang Pingan very fond of her.

"So that's the case, I thought you got injured when you were playing ball." Qi Yang smiled.

"But it doesn't matter.

I heard from your uncle that you applied for the finance major at Peking University?"

"Yes, aunt, I want to study finance."

"Why did you choose finance?"

Fang Ping'an thought for a while before saying, "Although some people say that finance is a business without capital and does not create actual social value, I don't think so."

Qi Yang tilted his head and smiled at him, giving him an encouraging look.

"In my opinion, the most important significance of finance to the country and society lies in stabilizing our own monetary system and exchange rate."

Although he couldn't directly say that this industry makes money the fastest, it was not a casual remark.

He actually saw that the financial crisis that shocked the world 12 years later directly defeated at least half of the developed countries in the world.

The most direct beneficiary was the party that launched that foreign exchange war.

No matter who it was, no matter what their status was, they would be affected by the financial crisis.

Even Fang Hongjun himself participated in it and made a lot of money.

It was precisely because of this incident that the Fang family even invested 5 billion in him and asked him to take care of it...

Qi Yang thought he would say it better, and what Fang Pingan said was indeed a bit high-sounding.

But she noticed the light in the child's eyes.

It seemed that this was his truest thought.

Fang Pingan did not stop, but continued: "If a currency war really happened, once the financial crisis broke out, no matter what industry I was in and how much money I made, I would inevitably suffer certain losses.

I might even lose everything.

If I study finance, I may not be able to do anything else, but at least I can reduce my own losses in extreme cases, at least I won't lose everything.

Maybe this is why I want to study finance."

Qi Yang nodded secretly, this was quite honest.

"I know you have a younger sister, Huihui. How is she now?

Is she in high school?"

"She is in the first semester of her second year of high school. She will take the college entrance examination the year after next.

Huihui is also very good. Her academic performance is also in the top ten in the grade."

Speaking of Chen Shuhui, Fang Ping'an couldn't help but smile.

That quirky girl always brings him a lot of happiness whenever she is with him.

The unconditional partiality and trust in him moved him to tears.

It was for this reason that he put all his properties under Huihui's name.

Qi Yang on the side noticed the change in his facial expression and understood it in his heart.

The relationship between the brother and sister is very good.

Although he is an adopted son, at least this boy treats Huihui as his own sister.

From this point of view, in addition to good academic performance, this child also has good character.

Because the college entrance examination can only filter out poor students.

Too many highly educated people are not even scumbags.

The two of them walked around for about half an hour, and turned back before they finished walking around the yard.

Qi Yang estimated the time.

Even if they hadn't finished talking inside after returning, they could at least sit down and have a cup of tea and rest.

In Chen Ziang's small yard.

The old man looked a little sad at this time, and it seemed that he had not fully recovered from the news that his third son, who bore the burden of the family, had ALS.

But he always felt that his third son himself didn't seem to care about the disease.

For this rare disease, if the limbs were stiff, it would be okay. What he was most worried about was his son's breathing problem.

"Dad, do you think what I said is okay?" Chen Shaojie was very serious.

Chen Shaohua hadn't said a few words until now, and it was Chen Shaojie who was talking all the time.

He just listened quietly.

As long as the old man didn't agree, he naturally wouldn't covet the position of the head of the family.

It was so hard back then.

He didn't care before, and he doesn't care even more now.

He drank tea quietly, sipping it in small sips.

He added water to his father and brother who were talking from time to time.

"Second brother, you should talk!" Chen Shaojie was amused by his attitude.

"You have already agreed, why don't you talk now?"

He was anxious.

Shouldn't he talk about his future plans now?

This... Does he want his father to bow his head first?

But Chen Shaohua thought so.

No matter what, if you don't speak, I will never speak.

Chen Ziang once had great hopes for this second son.

Chen Shaohua, who graduated from Tsinghua University with a major in computer science, was once hailed as the first genius of this generation in Beijing.

But because of a woman, he resolutely gave up his status as an heir.

He and that woman ran to the south.

He opened a snack bar that made him feel disgusted even at the sight of it.

He was angry.

He thought that the girl named Liu Qing was not worthy of his excellent son.

Chen Shaohua, who he had high hopes for, was talented when he was young, but he was very stubborn in his feelings and refused to marry into the Huo family.

He didn't even meet Huo Sinan, who was the material for the mistress of the Huo family.

At that time, the eldest brother Chen Shaoying had not yet married and was working towards a regular cadre according to his plan.

His purpose of urging Chen Shaoying to get married was to borrow the power of the Huo family to take the Chen family to a higher level.

Who knew the final result would be...

For so many years, he never gave this son any help.

Now that the third son is sick, the eldest son can't give up the opportunity to make further progress in his career, not to mention that he has also brought great help to the family in his career.

The only one he can rely on is the second son who he deliberately forgot.

Chen Shaohua said calmly and indifferently: "This matter, my words don't count, and your words don't count either."

The old man immediately got angry.


Do you still need me to beg you?

You little bastard!

The old man was angry, but if he didn't take it over smoothly before the third brother really left, he would not have the face to see his father who had been dead for nearly 20 years...

After thinking about it, this soft one must be convinced.

But what about this face?

The color on the old man's face changed like a kaleidoscope with his thoughts, and Chen Shaohua couldn't hold it back.

Chen Shaojie was about to laugh out loud.

He has always been indifferent to life and death and will do it if he doesn't agree.

Although he has developed the ability to remain calm in the past 20 years, there is no need to pretend in front of his family.

He picked up the cup, drank a sip of tea, and concealed his discomfort.

"Second brother," he put down the cup, "Is my sister-in-law okay now?"

If he didn't give a word to break the ice, he was afraid that he would laugh.

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