The more you look at the picture, the more you will be in the picture.

Without waiting for Fang Hongjun to answer, he continued:

"You have received elite education since childhood. No matter from which aspect, you are no worse than anyone else. Do you understand?

It feels to me... as if you have no confidence..."

"Enough," Fang Hongjun roared in a low voice, "I know what I am doing!"


Situation is shit!

If everything can be the same as in the dream, what is the Fang family in Beijing?

I want to be the king of Yuncheng!

However, everything I saw in the dream is different from the real world.

I need to find the root cause of this change and solve the people and things that caused the change!

But the simplest and most convenient way is to get rid of Fang Pingan.

Regardless of whether the source is Fang Pingan or not, my plan will not change.

As long as I can get everything back on track, I can turn the tables...

"I understand what you mean.

I will not return to China before I get my degree.

If he dies in an accident, it has nothing to do with me."

Fang Hongjun said in a low voice with a gloomy face.

Fang Junhong sighed, "I love your mother and you, remember this.

Otherwise, I would not have brought you home to Zhao Wei..."


Zhao Wei has been waiting at the gate of Beijing University since the first day of school.

Fang Jinglei drove the car, and the two sat in the car watching the people coming in and out.

She was not willing to come.

The reconciliation between the brother and sister she imagined was not a lingering entanglement like this.

But she had to do something for Fang Pingan.

Use facts to prove that she is making up for past mistakes and wants to reconcile.

What's the use of just talking?

But she thought so, but her mother Zhao Wei was not willing to use her brain at all.

She wishfully thought that Fang Pingan was unwilling to forgive her just because she was too good to Fang Hongjun in the past.

Two generations have different perceptions of a thing, but the new generation is the stronger one, which makes things fall into a one-sided situation of pestering.

And any young person should be very disgusted with this situation.

Until they saw Chen Shaohua and Fang Pingan slowly appear in front of them.

Walked by less than 20 meters away from them.

When Zhao Wei saw Fang Pingan leaning on crutches, she cried in the car at that time.

Fang Jinglei was exhausted.

Although she also wanted to know what happened to Fang Pingan's broken leg.

But she could only watch him leaning on crutches with a plaster cast on his leg.

She didn't dare to get off the car, nor did she dare to let her mother get off the car.

The man next to Fang Pingan was his adoptive father.

He was a man who looked very gentle.

But when she went to the small restaurant to find Ping An, she saw the resentment in the man's eyes.

At that time, she didn't understand why the man had resentment.

Later, she figured out that it was resentment that they took away his son who he had raised for more than ten years and didn't treat him well.

In the end, he forced his adopted son to return to the Chen family alone.

That should be it.

But today is completely different.

The aura of this man is completely different from when he first met him in the small restaurant.

It is an aura that can only be radiated invisibly by absolute confidence and strong belief.

Fang Jinglei didn't know how to describe it.

The man who once looked very gentle now looked so gentle that she didn't dare to get out of the car and walk over to talk to Fang Ping An.

Her eyes were fixed on Fang Ping An's leg in plaster.

"Leilei, what's wrong with Ping An's leg, did you see it?"

Zhao Wei sat in the passenger seat, covering her mouth, not daring to cry or scream.

She didn't speak until her emotions were a little more stable.

Fang Jinglei nodded and said nothing.

Of course she saw it.

Zhao Wei continued: "You said Ping'an's leg, could it be..."

Fang Jinglei quickly interrupted her mother and said: "I don't know, I hope not."

Zhao Wei looked at her in astonishment and stammered: "You... do you know what I'm going to say?"

"Fang Hongjun has gone abroad, even if you want to do it, you can only find someone in China.

Whether it's him or not, at least Ping'an has reported successfully.

Mom, don't think about it.

Or think about what you can do for him..."

Fang Jinglei's eyes never left Fang Ping'an's figure.

She looked at the man with a face full of

Smile and pride.

Watching his younger brother also smiling as he entered the school gate.

Disappeared in the crowd.

There, countless parents accompanied their children into this school.

Send their children to the next stage of life with their own hands.

From here on, they will lose many opportunities to communicate with their children.

And the children will focus more on the new living and learning environment.

There will be new friends, a new world, and a new life.

Fang Pingan had just washed himself with difficulty, lying on the hotel's super-large bed and swiping his phone, and saw a window pop up on the screen.

A line of text next to a fat hippopotamus face.

"Ping An, everyone in the dormitory is here, do you want to come and get together?"

Fang Pingan immediately couldn't lie down.

The first time the freshmen met, they would have to spend the next four years together, and it would be unreasonable not to get together.

"Okay, I'll treat you. Just consider it as an apology for not being able to sleep with you because of this leg. [Smiley face]"

He didn't want his roommates to think that he was a loner.

But apart from Li Hongzhong, he hadn't met the other two yet, and didn't know their appearance or personality.

Eating and drinking are undoubtedly the best ways to break the ice between young people.

And because of this leg, he can completely not drink.

Although these are small thoughts, he can openly say that he can't drink.

In fact, Fang Ping'an hardly drank.

The only few times were at his godfather's house.

Li Hongzhong quickly created a group and then pulled him in.

Fang Ping'an went in and saw that the group name was Dormitory 217.

There were already three people in the group, and he was the last one.

"Everyone, I'm Fang Ping'an, from Yuncheng."

"I'm Ding Junzhe, from Harbin." His avatar is a cool handsome guy wearing sunglasses, and his nickname is Brother Zhe.

"Chi Yonghao, from the prairie." This is very distinguishable.

The avatar is a group of cattle and sheep on the prairie, simple and unpretentious.

The nickname is the sun of the prairie.

Fang Pingan: Sorry, my leg is not healed yet, I can't climb onto the bed in the dormitory, so I have to live outside. I was not in the dormitory for the first meeting today, so I invited everyone to come out for dinner, just as an apology.

Zhe Ge: Oh, what's the big deal. Then the next meal is on me.

Fatty: I have no objection.

The sun of the prairie: Do you need me to bring wine? I brought my own wine.

Fang Pingan: ... I can't drink! My leg is broken, and the plaster hasn't been removed. [Picture]

Zhe Ge: Xiao Anzi, what's wrong with you?

Fang Pingan was stunned for a moment.

This is a typical self-acquaintance.

But people in Northeast China are all self-acquaintance, and he knows this.

But the title of "Xiao Anzi" must not be accepted.

Must strive for it.

Fang Pingan: Xiao Zhezi was hit by a car. Two ribs and one leg.

Fatty: Hahahaha, the name Xiao Anzi made me burst out laughing.

The Sun of the Grassland: It really sounds like the name of a young eunuch.

Brother Zhe: Then, let's call you Pingan.

Fang Pingan: Thank you Brother Zhe for letting me go. I live quite far away, it takes about half an hour to get to school, and I walk slowly...

Brother Zhe: It's okay, I'm not familiar with this area either, after you come, let's go for a stroll together, just find a place to sit.

Fatty: Yes, just get familiar with it. Don't let them think there's a new junior when you come to the dormitory!

The Sun of the Grassland: I'm fine. Don't bring the wine, Pingan, you can't drink, just drink some drinks when the time comes. It's our first meeting, so just drink some beer.

Fang Pingan: Okay, I'll go out now. I'll tell you when we get to the school gate, let's meet directly at the school gate.

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