The old man was very happy.

"Luoshanji. I know he is in Luoshanji, he told me.

I asked him when he called me for the first time.

He told me when I asked.

Brother, I really don't dare to lie to you."

"What's the password of your phone?" The young man took out another phone from his pocket and shook it in his hand.

"XXXXXX, my phone password is XXXXXX." Xue Wenyao said hurriedly.

After the phone was unlocked, the young man opened the address book, "What is Fang Hongjun's name in your phone?"

"Jun Ge, his name in my phone is Jun Ge." Xue San didn't dare to hide anything.

Don't look at the two people who only eat, and the other one always has a smile on his face.

But he knows.

When he was a child, he saw those who did dirty work for his father, and they all looked like this.

Either they had special fetishes, or they were always smiling.

But when these people attacked, they basically didn't leave anyone alive.

Now he could only try his best to stop the other party from attacking.

His hands, feet and knees were tied up, and as long as he went into the water, he would die.

He didn't want to die, especially for someone who had gone abroad and might never come back.

"Brother, when Fang Hongjun contacted me last time, he said not to contact me in the future.

He must be very dissatisfied that the other party was still alive.

If you want to find him, I am willing to go to Country M with you.

I can help you make an appointment with him..."

As soon as Shaoji moved, Xue San looked over nervously.

Shaoji threw the unfinished chicken into the sea, walked over and wiped his hands on him.

Another young man asked with a smile: "Are you full?"

Shaoji nodded.

"Tell me, do you have any last words?" Shaoji squatted in front of him and asked. Xue Wenyao collapsed. "Brother, it's really none of my business, brother, wuwuwu... I just helped him contact someone. I didn't know Fang Ping'an would really get into trouble. In order to protect myself, I specifically told the driver not to kill anyone if possible. Fang Ping'an didn't die, brother? I was wrong, brother, please let me go. I'm willing to pay. Call my dad wuwuwu... My dad will definitely be willing to pay to buy my life, brother, let me go. I beg you wuwuwu..." Shaoji smiled, "Your father Xue Zhuang started his career by opening a casino when he was young. He has four You are only the third son.

Tell me, how much money is he willing to spend for you?

Besides, is he willing to go against us?

Just for a brainless guy like you? "

Xue Wenyao cried loudly: "I am the best student in the family and the only one who was admitted to university.

He must be reluctant to let me die.

Please, two brothers, call my dad for money.

I don't want to die!

I don't want to die for Fang Hongjun, brother!"

Another young man quietly took out his mobile phone, saved Fang Hongjun's number in his mobile phone, and then threw Xue San's mobile phone into the sea.

Seeing this, Xue San cried even louder.

He knew that he should not be able to survive.

Who did I offend?

Fang Hongjun said Fang Ping'an was just a soft egg.

Who is standing up for him?

Shaoji took out a rag from the broken sampan and stuffed it into Xue San's mouth, explaining:

"Block your mouth, and you can only breathe through your nose.

We don't have to listen to your loud voice, right?

When you get into the water, you can only use your nose to breathe, not your mouth.

Do you know what this means?"

He smiled slightly, "You will choke, you know?"

The other young man curled his lips, "Just walk here or in the deep water?"

Shaoji shook his head and said, "No need!"

Xue San could only make a heavy nasal sound "wuwuwuwuwuwu".

Tears flowed wildly, and he couldn't stop them at all.

He was scared to death, and he was about to die.

Suddenly, he felt pain in his two heels.

Despair, deep despair.

The tendons of his feet were cut...

He looked at the other person with desperate and pleading eyes.

The one who just attacked was the roast chicken, and he didn't even see where the knife was taken from.

"It's okay, it will be over soon." Aixiao

's young man comforted him.

Then, he reached out and inserted his hand into Xue San's armpit.

The sound of waves from the sea breeze suddenly added a small splash of water.

The heavy nasal sobs stopped abruptly.

Shaoji stood up straight.

"It only takes three days at most, and nothing will be left." He said lightly.

"Well, go around and go back, at least you can't go back so early tonight.

Go to Xuezhuang's casino to play a few games?"

Shaoji nodded, "I heard that he has two particularly good fighters under his command, Ah Qi, can you do it?"

"How do you know if you don't try?" Ah Qi smiled.

The moonlight shone on his teeth, shining with a cold white light.


In the morning.

After Fang Pingan got up, he picked up his mobile phone and took a look.

As a result, he didn't see any news from his roommate.

After getting dressed, he went downstairs to have breakfast.

Because he didn't need to participate in military training, he had nothing to do recently.

According to his godfather, the Chen family will help Fang Hongjun solve the problem.

But Fang Hongjun is abroad.

He doesn't know which city it is. This matter may take a long time to solve.

After thinking about it for a while, he gave up.

This is not something he can solve now.

If his godfather wants to be the head of the Chen family, isn't it natural for him to benefit from it?

It's almost October.

His 2 million is set to automatically buy and close the position with the maximum retracement.

It's time to take a look.

He turned on the computer and read the news as usual, and then opened the software.

It's not much different from what he expected.

The funds in the account have turned over several times.

For those who already know the future trend, making money from the secondary market or the futures market is really no different from putting money in a sack.

There is no thrilling feeling at all.

In this market, his 2 million is nothing.

All he could do was go with the flow, without using his brain or watching the market all the time.

He invested 100,000 yuan in the stock index futures market, and the market fell slowly all the way. The retracement fluctuation was not large, and it did not exceed the closing point he set.

The profit level to date may not be the highest, but it is far beyond the level that ordinary people can reach in their lifetime.

With the funds he invested, he could only buy 2 lots.

He didn't want to move the remaining 1.7 million yuan.

For every point fluctuation, the profit or loss of 1 lot transaction is close to 300 yuan.

When he sold short, the futures point was 3180.27, and now it has fallen to 3063.91.

That is to say, if he buys and closes the position now, his profit will reach an astonishing 6.98 million.

And this trend is still continuing.

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