The largest auction in the city of Lemia is the property of the Reverno clan.

The Reverno clan, like the Bruch clan, is one of the seven royal families, with a powerful and terrifying marquis sitting on the surface, and a duke who has not been closed for a thousand years.

Fang Qingyan got off the carriage.

I looked up at this magnificent and tall building, and the door was full of people, and the people entering and leaving were all nobles.

Civilians are not eligible to enter.

"This gentleman, please show your identity."

Fang Qingyan was stopped at the door.

Although the two guards were polite, their eyes were wary, because the other party was very faced.

"I am the butler of Count Kastein."

Fang Qingyan took out a metal plate symbolizing his housekeeper's identity, with the family crest of Count Kastein printed on it.

The two guards were immediately released.

Once inside, a waiter leads the way, and after a long corridor, you come to a spacious hall, which is the auction venue.

Rows of seats are neatly arranged, with a walkway in the middle and a high platform at the front.

"The first time sir comes, let me talk about the rules first."

The waiter said very politely, "During the auction, you are not allowed to speak, you need to keep quiet." By raising cards to bid and raise prices, each participant has five cards, corresponding to 500, 1000, 5000, 10000 gold coins. "

Very Western style of auction.

Fang Qingyan nodded, indicating that he knew.

The waiter handed over a black mask shaped like a bat's wings: "This is a mask, and Mr. can choose not to wear it." "

"Let's put it on."

He reached out and took it.


After taking a seat, Fang Qingyan looked around without a trace.

There were many people who came to this auction.

There are about hundreds of people, and all of them are nobles, and there are even several count-level blood families.

In the city of Lemia, the count was considered a great nobleman, with his own fiefdom and private army.

The marquis is even more a feudal official, and his status is extremely noble, and he rarely stoops to participate in such an auction, unless he receives news in advance, there will be some great good things to appear.


After waiting for another few minutes.

The auction began.

The host is a baron vampire.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of the Revno family, I welcome you all here..."

After a simple hot spot, the first auction item was delivered.

It was a five-star magic weapon, which was photographed for a high price of 1,800 gold coins, and was finally pocketed by a count.

Fang Qingyan was not interested in magic weapons, and he had a better seven-star magic weapon Death Scythe in his hand.

And then the second, the third....

Finally, after the seventh auction item was brought to the stage, Fang Qingyan instantly lifted his spirits, and his body involuntarily sat up straight.

That's a coffin!

The dark is outlined with exquisite blood-colored patterns, two meters seven meters long and one meter five wide, much larger than ordinary coffins, and the texture is extremely thick and mysterious.

"As you can see, this is a corpse coffin, I believe you have felt its extraordinary from the production process!" The host loudly touted, "This is a corpse coffin made by the army of the Reverno family, the goblin clan elders captured on the battlefield, and every exquisite pattern on it can be called the pinnacle of art!" "

"It is definitely a coffin of supreme quality, and you can't buy such a high-grade corpse coffin in any store in Leimia!"

Fang Qingyan was moved.

And he felt that the other counts and nobles on the scene were also moved.

The level of this coffin is definitely not inferior to the one of Kastein, and may even be higher.

A good coffin is the face of the blood clan!

If there is a top-quality coffin, then when you meet the girl who is attracted to you, you can show her very proudly: My family's coffin is big and comfortable!

Maybe the girl will be moved and promise to go home with you to roll the coffin board.

And with such a large coffin in the internal space, you can invite two girls at once, and the left and right hugs will not be too crowded!

"Starting price: 1500 gold!"

As soon as the host's words fell, someone immediately raised a sign to bid.

Then someone raised a sign.

A bunch of people are robbing there wildly, you carry me and I carry you, and soon the price was pushed to a terrifying number: 6400 gold coins!

Fang Qingyan's eyes widened.

One gold coin is enough for ordinary civilian families to live without food and clothing for half a year.

6400 gold coins is an astronomical amount that can fill a small chest.

As a butler, he knew very well that Count Castein's annual tax revenue was only about three thousand gold coins.

These people are rich, too....

Fang Qingyan glanced at his backpack and reconfirmed his deposit: 8926 gold coins.

The equivalent of three years of taxes for a count.

But he didn't have the slightest confidence in being able to shoot his hands.

Fortunately, after the price was raised so high, the speed slowed down and many people dropped out of the competition.

At present, only two counts are left to fight there.

"Oh~ Count Yarman bid seven thousand gold coins, seven thousand gold coins for the first time... Okay, Count Augustine raised the price by five hundred, seven thousand five hundred gold coins for the first time... Seven thousand five hundred gold coins for the second time..."

The host is passionate.

Fang Qingyan saw that Count Yarman was dumbfounded.

Immediately, he no longer hesitated and decisively raised the sign....

"Oh my God~ Another gentleman joined the competition, he bid eight thousand gold coins, eight thousand gold coins for the first time!"

Count Augustine hesitated, but still raised the sign and raised the price by 500.

Fang Qingyan narrowed his eyes, he really only had 426 gold coins left!

This old brother is really fierce enough, one person has laid down six or seven counts, looking at this momentum, Fang Qingyan has also lost the battle.

It seems that some means have to be used....

Fang Qingyan took a deep breath, his eyes slightly glowed with a hazy purple light, and he used his superpower: mind reading.

He has reached the peak of the count, and his spiritual power is much stronger than the other party.

So it was smooth to read Augustine's inner thoughts: oh ~ Count Ben really doesn't have much money, damn bastard, you must not raise the price again!

Fang Qingyan's eyes lit up, good guy, pretending to be invincible written on his face, it turns out that you are also empty?

He immediately wrote a number on the blank sign and held it high.

The host was stunned for a moment, and his eyes widened: "Eh... This gentleman raised the price ... 1 coin! Ahem, 8001 gold coins for the first time! "

Count Augustine's face darkened, he gave up directly, and scolded and withdrew from the competition.

With a gold coin increase, he suspected that Fang Qingyan was deliberately raising his price, and the auction would find a trust, wanting to squeeze his wallet dry.

Want me to raise the markup? Hmph, I don't!

“...... Third time! Congratulations to this gentleman for getting a top coffin! "

Fang Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief.

Living in Lemia City for so long, he felt the power of money for the first time!

Everyone present today was defeated by his "banknote" ability!



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