Fang Qingyan left Kastanburg with Elizabeth.

Back in Bristol.

He said everything he could about his own "story", but he didn't say anything like "system" that was not necessary.

Elizabeth is a very intelligent queen.

She also knows what to ask and what not to ask.

The ancestor is dead, the librarian is the hidden duke, the past of his biological father Kastein...

After this series of extremely shocking events.

Elizabeth felt as if she had had a dream.

Reality is always better than story!


"So what's next for you?"

Fang Qingyan looked at her and asked lightly, "If you want to tell your clansmen the truth, I personally don't care. "

Even if the people of the Kape clan knew that Fang Qingyan was not their true ancestor.

So what?

The strongest of the entire Blood Clan is him!

He was the only remaining duke of Nikara.

It is not necessary to kneel and beg Fang Qingyan to continue to be their ancestor, sit in the Kape clan, and shelter the Kingdom of Nikara.

After all, the Blood Clan destroyed the seven royal families to the end this time, and only one remained.

It's a nerve-wracking experience.

It was when the power of the kingdom of Nikara was at its weakest.

They need Fang Qingyan, and they can't do without Fang Qingyan!

"I think I still don't tell the clansmen for the time being. "

Elizabeth frowned at her good-looking eyebrows, "Now that the hearts of the royal people are gathered and the enthusiasm of the clansmen is high, it is not appropriate to shake their confidence." "

Then she suddenly smiled and said, "Although the ancestor of the Capetian clan is gone, the man of the queen of the Capetian is still there!"

Fang Qingyan nodded and said with a light smile: "As you like, it just so happens that I am also a lazy person who hates trouble, and I just want to cultivate quietly." "

Elizabeth hesitated, and then looked at Fang Qingyan with aqua blue eyes, and said softly:

"I know you have done a lot for us, and when the situation in the kingdom stabilizes, I will find an opportunity to announce the death of my ancestor and tell everyone the truth." "

Fang Qingyan shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

He has always been indifferent to fame and fortune.

I wish no one would ever disturb my cultivation!


Life is back on track.

Calm and comfortable.

The only difference was that Fang Qingyan didn't need to go to the library anymore.

After all, the relationship with Elizabeth is broken, and the identity of the librarian is no longer needed as a cover-up.

Elizabeth ordered the people to repair the Forbidden Underground Palace, inside and out.

Resplendent and gorgeously decorated, it is not at all like the place where ascetics live, but like an extravagant underground palace of the emperor.

For this, Fang Qingyan was very speechless.

But Elizabeth's reason is: she used to be in awe of her ancestors, so she didn't dare to bother too much, but now, since it is for Fang Qingyan, then she has to give her man the best life treatment!

And for the outside world.

Nothing was wrong.

If anything, it's two places.

First, the smile on Her Majesty's face is sweeter, more optimistic and positive than before.

Second, the number of times Her Majesty went to the underground palace to see the ancestors has increased significantly and become more and more frequent.

It's an eventful time.

The days are so in rare comfort, day by day, month by month, year by year.

The former six clan territories left countless ruins and destroyed cities, villages and towns after the war.

But after a few years, new cities were built on the ruins.

The kingdom of Nikara is resting.

There are no annoying orc invasions, and no strife between royal clans within the kingdom.

Everyone is enjoying this long-lost peace!

The whole country is prosperous!


Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, twenty years passed quietly.

On this day, Bristol City, the underground palace of the Capetian clan.

Spacious interior.

Horizontally lies an ancient black coffin.

A splendid blood lotus grew out of the coffin, branches and leaves climbed along the coffin, and four crimson lotus flowers were dazzling.

Boom -

Suddenly, a terrifying force of qi and blood rushed up.

The entire underground palace was trembling.

The ground shook.

The huge movement lasted for several breaths before it disappeared.


Fang Qingyan's eyes opened and closed, the soul-catching blood in his eyes flashed away, and a long breath of turbid qi protruded from his mouth.

He sat up straight.

A helpless smile appeared on his face.

"The journey from the Ten-Winged Duke to the Twelve Winged Blood Ancestor is really too difficult!"

Ten wings to twelve wings.

The road to the advanced prince is simply longer and more tortuous than the road from the last blood clan to the Ten Winged Duke!

It took a full twenty years to refine qi and blood.

Fang Qingyan couldn't count how many drops of essence blood he had taken.

Only now did he finally raise his qi and blood to a critical point.

But it makes sense.

After all, William and Adolf spent hundreds of thousands of years to reach this step.

Compared with them, Fang Qingyan's past twenty years have been called heaven-defying!

"The improvement of qi and blood is only second, in the past twenty years, the biggest gain should be the development of superpowers!"

Fang Qingyan's eyes lit up, and he slowly raised his right hand and raised a clear index finger.

As soon as the mind moved, above the tip of the index finger, the space suddenly twisted, folded, and condensed... And so on, and then, a little black blooms!

Buzz -

The terrifying attraction suddenly came, the space around the black dot shattered inch by inch, it swallowed everything around it, objects, air, light... All were sucked in, like an abyss with no bottom in sight.


With a sound, the black dot burst like a bubble, and Fang Qingyan lifted it.

This is the ability of the space department after the deep development of superpowers ... Create terrifying space nodes that resemble black holes.

If he doesn't lift it, this black hole can continue to swallow, and it will become bigger and bigger, and even swallow the entire castle, Bristol, and the entire Kingdom of Nikara!

In terms of pure destructive power, it can be called terrifying.

Another huge improvement is, of course, the corresponding to the space ability, the time ability!

If Fang Qingyan casts "Time Stop" now, he can pause time for a full nine seconds.

Twenty years ago, he could only stop for three seconds.

This is also a very obvious improvement!


"It's time to go to the prince's mausoleum that Kastanin said. "

Fang Qingyan muttered, "I hope to find the answer I want." "

His slender body slowly flew out of the coffin, and his feet stood silently on the ground.

Boom -

The stone door opens.

Elizabeth, wearing a snow-white dress and a golden crown, walked in anxiously.

Seeing that Fang Qingyan was okay, a reassuring look appeared on her beautiful face.

"Just now, the whole castle shook, startling me, and I thought something was wrong with you. "

She said softly, snuggling very naturally against his chest.

Twenty years have passed, Elizabeth has completely possessed everything a qualified queen should have, and she is naturally beautiful, and she already has a majesty that belongs to a "king".

However, in front of Fang Qingyan, she is as small as ever, gentle and sensible.

Fang Qingyan smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, without absolute certainty, I won't easily break through the prince." "

Elizabeth nodded, a pair of eyes as clear as autumn water, looked at him with concern, and said softly: "I'm just afraid that you, like Old Ancestor William, will fail to advance and fall." Since you have it in mind, I won't say more. "

The two are as usual.

You and I talked for a while.

Later, Fang Qingyan opened the door and said what he had just decided: "I'm going to leave for a while and go to the prince's mausoleum that your father told me to find out." "

"That... Will there be danger?"

Elizabeth pursed her lips and hesitated, "I'll let Charlie accompany you." With the help of your essence blood, he has broken through to the Marquis of the Six Wings and can help you. "

Fang Qingyan shook his head: "No need, I have the confidence to handle everything." "

Seeing him so confident, Elizabeth could only nod.

"I'm leaving. "

"Well, come back early. "

Elizabeth looked at Fang Qingyan reluctantly.

"It will. "

Fang Qingyan nodded with a smile.

Then he looked up and "snapped" his fingers.

Buzz -

The space was distorted.

People have disappeared.



ps: Fourth more, please support!

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