During the rotation time, the Heat had an advantage.

Ray Allen was already 37 years old, but in pretty good shape.

Swish swish --

He scored two three-pointers right at the start, feeling very hot.

Stephenson also wanted to respond, but his play was a bit abstract.

In front of his predecessor Ray Allen, he was quite confident, crossing and changing directions to test the defense, and suddenly pulled up without completely getting rid of the defense.


His touch was not worthy of his confidence, and the basketball smashed out of the basket.

Similar operations did not stop there.

He used the screen to break into the inside, with a fierce momentum and unstoppable.

Even if there was a defender in front of him, he was not afraid at all.

Not only did he jump high, he also had some skills, and he avoided the defense with a big loop and pull-up, and it seemed that he was about to make a perfect attack.

However, an embarrassing scene happened.

Stephenson flew over his head!


After he shot, the basketball hit the bottom edge of the backboard.

And the basketball bounced, hitting his head directly, and then bounced out of bounds.

? ? ?

Question marks appeared on countless people's faces.

Such a beautiful breakthrough, such a powerful bounce, such a wonderful pull-up, but in the end it was such a weird layup?

The home fans were all amused and laughed.

"It really made me laugh to death!"

"It looks like a tiger's operation, but it turns out to be a fool!"

"Today's source of happiness has been found!"


The fans who were watching the live broadcast on the other side of the ocean saw Stephenson's magical operation and also teased him.

"Interesting! I like it!"

O'Neal even applauded and smiled.

He is currently preparing a program opposite to "Top Ten Wonderful Balls". The main purpose is to make fun of it. The tentative name is "Top Five Embarrassing". What he just saw is a very good material, and he must cut this part into the program.

On the Pacers bench, He Feng was serious, but his expression was a little weird.

"Hold it, don't laugh!"

He warned himself in his heart.

For the sake of team unity, he couldn't laugh no matter how funny it was.

But right?

Someone could actually hit him with a layup?


After all, his laugh point was too low, and he couldn't help it.

He Feng's laughter was like a switch, and his teammates couldn't control it anymore, and they all laughed.

Especially Paul George, who laughed the most heartlessly.

Only Vogel guarded the last island, pursed his lips, and didn't laugh, but he was also holding back. .


This scene was photographed by reporters again.

"Shock! Pacers infighting, crazy mockery of teammates!"

A perfect traffic password.

Stephenson felt extremely embarrassed. He wanted to be in the limelight, but he messed up.

But from another perspective, he did "stand out", after all, the whole audience's attention was focused on him.

This was just a brief episode, and the game continued.

Stephenson's leadership was not so reliable, and it seemed that he was drifting away from his path of "bench gangster".

Veteran Ray Allen took advantage of the opportunity and led the bench to score frequently.

The Pacers were already at a disadvantage.

In the last three minutes, the Heat played a 12:3 attack wave.

After the first quarter, the Pacers were behind the Heat at 25:31.

In the second quarter, the Heat not only had Ray Allen and substitute players who performed well, but James also had a strong desire to attack, continuously attacking the basket and scoring one after another.

As long as he got enough space and rushed up, it would be difficult for the Pacers to stop him.

Soon, the Heat's lead had reached double digits.

The Pacers quickly adjusted their strategy, shrinking the inside line and focusing on the strategy of letting the shot go but not the breakthrough.

He Feng even gave Paul George some chicken soup, and Paul George was full of fighting spirit, "So what if I'm the emperor? So what if I'm the FMVP? I'm the Major General of Indianapolis, how could I be afraid of you?"

James broke through again, and Paul George tried his best to withstand James's impact.

The offense was blocked, James adjusted his strategy, chose to back up, and looked for an offensive opportunity.


A figure suddenly rushed out from his side and slapped the basketball in his hand.

James was still thinking about how to break the double-team of Paul George and West, how could he care about so much?

Unexpectedly, the basketball in his hand disappeared.

When he reacted, the basketball was already in He Feng's hands.

"What a tough guy!"

Wade hurriedly chased and defended. He was just about to step forward to meet James, but He Feng got there first and completed the steal.

The Flash is very fast.

However, He Feng is even faster!

He Feng took the lead, easily passed Qian Moss who came back to defend early, and made a slam dunk.Chandler guarded the inside, West assisted in defense, and He Feng chased behind. This time, even if Wade used the pick-and-roll to quickly break into the restricted area, it was useless.

Under the double team of three people, he barely completed the shot, missed the shot, and He Feng grabbed the rebound.

He came to the front court with the ball and waved his hand. West went to the free throw line to receive the ball.

He Feng immediately passed the ball to West, and West immediately attracted most of the defensive attention.

Bosh blocked West's breakthrough route, and Wade was also paying attention to him, preparing to perform a back block.

He didn't expect that West's back-to-back attack was just a feint, and he quickly transferred the ball to the right side of the three-point line.

Wade panicked immediately, and the person who received the ball was He Feng!

Due to a moment of negligence, he was found by He Feng!

There was no defensive player within one meter around him.

He Feng didn't hesitate at all, seized the opportunity, and shot decisively.


The three-pointer went into the net.

Seeing this scene, Ray Allen's face was surprised.

"This kid's shooting speed is too fast! And the accuracy is also high, perfect shot!

The ability to seize opportunities is also very strong. When defending him, you must concentrate all your attention!"

After witnessing He Feng's shooting skills with his own eyes, this veteran top shooter gave a very high evaluation.

The ball was changed, and the Heat chose to attack inside this time.

Bosh leaned against West, turned his back and broke through the layup, causing a foul.

He made the first free throw, but missed the second free throw. He Feng took the rebound and counterattacked.

He handed the ball to Hill to handle, and after a pass, the basketball returned to his hands.

"Boy, you are not going to look for a pick-and-roll again, are you? If you have the ability, just play one-on-one!" Wade said provocatively.

"Yes! You know all this!" He Feng responded calmly.

Wade suddenly showed a black question mark face, and his brain crashed!

This kid doesn't play by the rules!

The provocation method is useless!

Under normal circumstances, shouldn't he respond excitedly, "Just play one-on-one, who's afraid of who?"?

What's going on.

"You don't even dare to play one-on-one, I still overestimate you." Wade shook his head, his words full of sarcasm.

"Pick-and-roll is easier than one-on-one, why should I choose the difficult one?

No more talking, my pick-and-roll is coming, you should think about how to get around the screen!" He Feng said coldly.

Wade turned his head and saw that Hibbert had indeed come up.


At this moment, He Feng suddenly accelerated, passed Wade directly, and rushed into the penalty area.


Wade was shocked and immediately couldn't do it.

While he was stunned, He Feng ran away! .

As for Hibbert who was going to play pick-and-roll for He Feng? In fact, he was opening up space for He Feng!


This kid, is he playing a trick on me?"

Wade was furious, gritting his teeth, his back teeth were about to break.

At this time, He Feng had already put the ball into the basket and scored two more points.

It was so easy and carefree!

He turned his head and looked at Wade, showing his signature smile of a "sunny and cheerful young man".

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