Gua Ge, Stoudemire, and Chandler were extremely shocked. They didn't expect He Feng to actually complete such a difficult operation?

Just like the Chicago black-marinated egg they saw in the highlights!

Is his waist and abdomen so strong?

"He Feng, your attack this time is so cool!"

He Feng landed, and Paul George rushed up excitedly.

"Just luck!" He Feng responded with a smile.

"Luck? Don't be ridiculous! According to you, there are not many people in the entire NBA who have such luck."

He forced the brakes to receive the ball in the dunk state, and then pulled the lever to lay up with his left hand.

Is this really an operation that can be done with luck?

Paul George curled his lips and rolled his eyes.

He was still quite shocked in his heart.

In fact, what He Feng said was really right.


He just wanted to try it, but he didn't expect it to succeed!

Now it seems that the difficulty is indeed not great.

The game continues.

Gua Ge directed traffic outside the arc. He did not play a single this time, but called his teammates to come forward to play pick-and-roll.

Gua Ge bypassed the screen, took two steps forward, and jumped up to shoot.


The basketball went in again.

The home fans cheered again. Gua Ge had a really great touch tonight!

But Gua Ge's mid-range shot was too far away. As long as he took half a step back, he would be at the three-point line.

Gua Ge could obviously shoot a three-pointer, but he didn't shoot it. He had to step on the line. He was simply driving his obsessive-compulsive disorder to death!

Paul George also tried to respond, with a smooth dribble, a cross-legged change of direction, and a turn to pass Gua Ge!

Near the free throw line, he also tried to pull up and shoot a jump shot.


His whole set of movements was smooth, but it was a pity that he couldn't draw a perfect signal.

Chandler grabbed the rebound and the Knicks counterattacked.

The "Ki Bu Gong" master finally chose to shoot and broke through the inside line for a small floater.

The sound of the iron sounded, and the rebound was taken by Hibbert.

He Feng threw the ball into the paint, West turned his back and broke through to make a layup, Chandler made up for the defense in time, West failed to score.

J.R. had another chance, this time he didn't do any fancy moves, he just used the screen to shoot a mid-range shot.


He also failed to hit.

The two teams missed shots one after another, and the situation was deadlocked.

He Feng went to the top of the arc to screen Hill, and Hill finished the shot in the restricted area.

The 11-year champion center "Boxing Champion" Chandler showed his power, jumped up suddenly, and his long arms were like an ancient mountain, blocking Hill in front of him.


Chandler waved his big palm and directly treated Hill to a big hot pot!

The basketball was slapped away and bounced towards the top of the arc.

He Feng jumped high and received the pass.


Without any hesitation, he rushed directly into the restricted area.

Chandler was still excited after just completing a block.

I am so fierce, and you dare to rush in. Isn't this a blatant provocation?

Chandler jumped again, and he was determined to stop He Feng's dunk.

He Feng and Chandler met on a narrow road and confronted each other in the air.

In He Feng's opinion, Chandler jumped too low!


With an absolute height advantage, he slammed the basketball into the basket.

He pulled the rim with one arm, while Chandler below was unstable, lost his direction, and almost fell to the ground.

The "Boxing King" eventually became He Feng's background board!

When the team fell into a scoring drought, He Feng broke the deadlock with a dunk!

"If you block my teammate, then I will dunk you!"

He Feng looked at Chandler, left a word, and then calmly returned to defense.

Hill's eyes were full of He Feng at this moment.

I sighed in my heart: "This damn sense of security!"

The Knicks attacked.

Guo Ge used his signature "drum washing machine" style to pass through Paul George cleanly and hit the layup.

Chandler hit Hibbert in the interior. The fierce collision between the "Boxing King" and the "Black Giant" ended with Chandler getting two free throws.

On the free throw line, Chandler rarely made two free throws!

"Ji Bu Gong" even shot a cold arrow from the left side of the arc and hit a three-pointer!

It was very inexplicable. The Knicks suddenly gained momentum, seized the opportunity of defensive counterattack, and scored continuously.

Paul George, West and others were not in good touch for the time being, so He Feng took over the ball.

Bang bang bang!

One meter outside the arc, He Feng crossed his body and changed direction to constantly test the defense.

Smith was extremely focused, but the focus of defense was still mobilized by He Feng.

Fake or real, he really couldn't guess He Feng's next move.


He Feng blew the ball hard, lowered his center of gravity, and shook his shoulders.

"He's going to change direction!"

Smith prepared in advance and moved sideways to block.

However, He Feng did break through in the opposite direction.

This was not a change of direction breakthrough, but a forward breakthrough!

Smith's prediction had been predicted by He Feng.It was called!

He adjusted his center of gravity, trying to make up for it.

But he adjusted his center of gravity too quickly, and his legs could not control the balance, his feet slipped, and he sat on the ground!

Smith's ankle was broken!

He Feng continued to accelerate, Stoudemire made up for the defense, He Feng directly received the ball, bypassed his head, and easily passed the defense, his footsteps were quite smooth.

He took off and dunked with one arm.

A dragon overturned the Knicks defense!

His best three-pointer, although late but arrived!

He Feng went out from the bottom line to the top of the arc, received the pass from Paul George, made a slight adjustment, and completed the shot against Gua Ge's defense, and the basketball went into the net, which was so unreasonable!

On the defensive end, he directly cut off the pass from "Ji Bu Gong", completed the steal, and counterattacked with a dragon dunk.

When the Knicks suddenly played a small offensive climax, the Pacers relied on He Feng's outbreak to stabilize the situation, and even showed a trend of overtaking.

With 3 minutes left in the first quarter, He Feng went off the court to rest.

The Pacers led by 2 points at 28:26, and He Feng scored 16 points in 9 minutes.

The game entered the rotation time, which was a contest for the bench.

Stephenson was full of fighting spirit and was bound to lead the substitute lineup to do a great job.

However, he missed two shots as soon as he came on, showing the style of a "young phoenix".

Knicks substitute guard Felton was in good shape and used his size advantage to force Augustine to layup.

The Knicks' momentum was obviously stronger than the Pacers.

In the last three minutes, Felton led the team to an 8:3 attack wave, and the Knicks completed the overtaking in the rotation time!

The home fans were already cheering, which was a pretty good situation.

The game entered the second quarter, and the atmosphere on the scene became even more enthusiastic.

The Knicks continued to explode, especially Gua Ge, who staged an offensive without dead ends, and his scoring methods were simply endless.

The young Paul George paid a heavy price in front of him.

Gua Ge scored 16 points in a single quarter, and Smith also scored two three-pointers. The overall offensive efficiency of the Knicks was quite good.

As for the Pacers, except for He Feng who scored 9 points in a single quarter, the status of other players was unsatisfactory. Paul George made 1 of 4 shots, Hibbert made 1 of 4 shots, West made 0 of 2 shots...

The Knicks won 33:23 in a single quarter by 10 points!

At the end of the half, the Pacers were 54:67 behind by 13 points.

How to limit the Knicks' offense? This is a problem that must be solved.

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